Snake Hair and Too Many Details

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Hey guys here's Chapter 2, hope you enjoy. This is in 5th year by the way. Chapter 3 should be out in a week. Don't forget to leave your thoughts

~2nd of September 1975~ Gryffindor tower, 5th year girls dorm~ Scarletta Adler POV~

"Come on Scar! You have to get up, the boys want you down in the great hall for breakfast. Get up!" I hear Marlene yelling at me and groan, mornings really weren't my thing. I knew I should get up, it was the beginning of the year prank but my bed was so comfy and warm...just at that thought Marls ripped my covers off me. "Get up now Scar!" I groan again and roll over opening one eye to look at my best friend.
"But Marlssss" I whine knowing she had already won, I could tell she knew too as her perfectly shaped eyebrow rose as if to question if I was going to bother going there. I sighed and rolled off the side of my bed landing in a heap on the ground. "Tada bitch I'm up." I rise to my feet pulling my hair out of the messy bun piled on my head shaking it out.
"Go shower I'll get your uniform and shit together" I grin at her in thanks and walk into the bathroom. I step out of the shower steam filling the room, I wrap my fluffy towel around my body and wipe the fog off the mirror to examine my reflection. I looked different this year a little older I guess, my face had become more angled, the baby fat fading away. My thoughts drift away from my appearance and the situation at hand, OWLS and the ongoing war which I couldn't escape from. I had already lost my family, back when I was 11, I'm not sure if I knew the exact consequences being a blood-traitor would be but I still wouldn't of changed my decision. Yet this war could take more than just my family away from me, my friends and freedom were at risk too. No there really was no escaping it. Marlene's squeal interrupts my thoughts and I straighten my posture from the slumped position I had fallen into and leave the bathroom. "What's up Marls?" She's holding my new black stilettos in her hand, of course. I grin at her, "I know" The sole of the heels are painted a beautiful dark red, Marl's favourite colour. They truly were beautiful. I leave her to appreciate the beauty of the shoes and cast a drying spell over myself and get dressed for the day. I assume I'm not getting my shoes back anytime soon so I walk over to the vanity doing my usual make up, some concealer under my eyes which look alright at the moment but will probably become a dark purple due to lack of sleep by the end of the year and a smoky eye to finish it all off. A few minutes later I manage to get my shoes back off Marl and slip them onto my feet. "Let us depart my lady," I exclaim holding my hand out for her she grins at me and grabs my hand as we run down the stairs and out of the Gryffindor common room to breakfast.

We walk into the great hall and I smile glad that I didn't miss the prank. We head towards the boys and sit down beside them. "Wow she managed to get you up," James exclaimed in surprise dodging the bread roll I throw at his head in response.
"You know I don't do mornings you twat." I grab myself some Orange juice, knowing that it was safe and slowly sip on it, listening to the conversation around me.
"Two minutes Scar" we all grin at Peter in anticipation, I love the start of year prank. Marl shakes her head at the five of us, but I know she's curious as to what it is. Screams of horror start erupting all across the great hall as everyone's hair colour begins to change, and those who we really don't like, like the Slytherins found their hair replaced by snakes. I look over at the Slytherin table to see a few of the girls on the verge of tears, well serves them right for being horrible to everyone. I laugh at my brother who's hair has changed from its Adler black to a fluorescent pink pile of snakes on his head. Bellatrix Black's hair has turned into a bright orange mane of snakes. Oh what a beautiful start to a prank filled day. The five of us and Marl continue to laugh not noticing Minnie appearing behind us.
"You six have just received yourselves a detention tonight and 10 points from Gryffindor each." Remus looks at her his innocent puppy dog eyes in action,
"But professor I had nothing to do with this, and I'm sure none of my house mates did either. How would we of done anything like this?" She sighs, knowing she had no proof other than it was always us and that wouldn't hold.
"I am sure you know exactly how you did it Mr Lupin but I shall remove your detention as I am not sure myself." She then places our timetables on the table before striding away to solve the chaos that had ensued.

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