Chapter 18

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Phoenix POV


After Shift and I split up I go to find my brothers office. I walk through the hall, reading all the signs next to the doors. There are a lot of offices. Do supervillains have offices? I don't think so, but I don't really know what supervillains have or don't have. From Shift's reaction when she saw the inside of the Cube I'd guess not. She has a desk at her house, but she doesn't use it much.

Supervillains probably don't have much paperwork, I doubt they pay bills, send letters, or do other things like that. Superheroes do, and its usually bills to fix the damage caused by supervillains.

Eventually I find Screech's office. I open the door and go in. His office is different than the office Shift and I first went into. It's a little smaller. There's hardly anything in it. Only a tv and a desk. I look around, but there's not much to see. I go over to the desk. On the desk is a computer, a cup full of pens, and a picture.

The picture is of us. We are standing together in front of the Cube. His elbow is resting on my shoulder. We are both smiling. I remember when we took the picture. Screech had graduated and was officially a superhero.

I was happy for him. Proud that my brother was a superhero. For a while. Then I was jealous.

I look around the room some more and then leave. I wonder where Shift is. We probably should have decided on a place to meet up. I don't have her phone number or I would text her. I'll look for her later.

I climb a flight of stairs up to the next floor. Taking the elevator would be stupid. Someone might want to go to a different floor and decide to take the elevator. I would be trapped. I search a few more rooms -- mostly offices -- and then I walk around a corner-- right into Shift. I jump. She makes a small squeaky noise, like a mouse. Her cheeks flush bright pink.

"There you are! I've been looking for you all over the place." She looks around. "This place is huge."

"Yeah." Too bad I will probably never get an office here.

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