Chapter 23

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Shift POV


"Shift?" Her eyes open.

"It's okay, Nightmare." I tell her, hugging her tightly. "You're okay now."

Nightmare sits up. "What happened?"

"You... you... died."

"I'm dead?" She asks, confused.

"No, you're alive! You won't believe it Nightmare! I suddenly got all these powers! Hypnosis killed you and I... I brought you back."

"Wow, Shift!" She says, astonished. "I'm so proud of you."

"You're proud of me?"

"Yes!" She exclaims. "Of course! I love you, Shift."

The moment is ruined Samson. "Um, Deathbloom is getting away."

"Can't you take care of it?" I snap angrily at him.

We still have to defeat the rest of the Villain Alliance. Then hunt down every last member so the Alliance never forms again.

"I knocked her out, the police will find her eventually." Samson says, walking back over.

"There are more members," Phoenix points out.

"Don't worry," Nightmare says. "We'll find them."

"Yeah!" Venus says.

We all end up staying at my place. Everyone falls asleep as soon as we get there. I wake up at eight when Venus pushes me off the bed. She tosses and turns a lot in her sleep. We had both slept in my room. Samson and Phoenix slept in the guest bedroom where Phoenix has been sleeping. Nightmare has a bedroom down the hall that she officially claimed as hers when I built my lair.

I couldn't fall back to sleep so I took a shower. When I get out of the shower I get dressed and go out into the hallway. The smell of pancakes makes my mouth water. I follow the smell downstairs. Samson is in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Good morning," he hands me a plate of pancakes.

"Morning. Thanks for the pancakes. You're the best."

"I know," he says, grinning.

"Good morning." Nightmare comes out of the bathroom. She's wearing somewhat fancy clothing, and her hair is in a bun.

"Are you going somewhere?" I ask.


"But its so early! Aren't you going to stay for breakfast?" She frowns.

"Sorry, but its official villain business. The Villain Alliance is causing a lot of trouble between superheroes and supervillains. I got a call earlier this morning. There's a meeting."

"That's unusual," Samson says.

His voice sounds troubled. I'm worried. Superheroes and supervillains don't meet unless both sides think a subject is a problem. This shows that not all the villains want to join with the Alliance.

"Yes, but not too unusual." She turns to me. "Will I be able to leave? The doorman said the elevators broken."

"Yeah, the entrance doesn't rely on the elevator. I can teleport you out anyway," I tell her.

"Cool. I shouldn't mention your new powers, right?" She asks. Everyone has been cool about my powers. They just accepted it. I couldn't have better friends.

"Right. Where do you need to go for the meeting?" I ask.

"The Cube."

"Be careful," I remind her. "That place is easy to get lost in," I add.

"How would you know?" She asks, surprised.

"Been there once or twice." She doesn't ask any questions, though I know she wants to.


"Bye," I focus on teleporting her out.

The air around her becomes dark, and a second later she disappears. I sit down at the table, pour maple syrup on my pancakes, and start to eat.

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