Chapter 10

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When I reel my darkness back in, I'm covered in blood. I have absolutely no idea what happened, but I know it was awesome!

I fly around to see how much damage I've caused. Whoa! So many killed in one night! Not a new record, but it's still impressive. I laugh with glee to myself. Actually, now that I look up at the sky, it's almost dawn. I've taken most, if not all, of the night. I go back to the house to rest. At least it's better than that shack. Though, my dark room was cozy. I miss it.

I enter through the window of Mizuki's room and decide to go under her bed. At least it's dark. Besides, I don't wanna go into her closet!

I curl up under the bed and pull the trance closer to me.

Mizuki shakes me awake from my trance. I groan in annoyance.

"What?" I demand.

"Didn't you say you wanted to track Yuma down?" she asks.

"What about it?" I crawl out and stretch my lean frame.

"Well, you have a human form, don't you?"

"Hai," I answer with a nod. "They know how it looks, though. What about it?"

"You can just change up some things, right?" she suggests with a wink.

"I guess," I answer, still too tired from being pulled from my trance so suddenly.

"So, you can infiltrate the school!"

This snaps me awake. "Mizuki, you are a fucking genius!" I grin. "I've never even thought about that."

Five o'clock in the morning, but I don't care even if I'm still sleepy. This idea is genius! I don't think Tar could've come up with that!

"Try!" Mizuki urges

I concentrate on my natural human look. Slightly dark skin, midnight hair. Instead of arched, i imagine my hair down, covering some of my face. i decide my eyes should be a sort of red, though nothing like Yuma Tsukumo's. A deeper shade. Maroon would do.

When I'm done, I'm completely transformed. I'm glad to say that out of all the clothes in the world, I get a leather jacket, ripped jeans, a blood-red shirt, and combat boots.

"Wow, you look hot," Mizuki comments.

" 'Hot?' I don't follow." I give her a confused look.

She explains for a while until I finally get it.

"One problem," I say. "I still can't get rid of my markings."

"Well, I don't see your markings," she says.

Oh. So humans can't see them when I'm mortal. COOL!

"Alright then."

"Okay, now you need the uniform," Mizuki muses.

Uniform? These people have fucking uniforms!? Oh, my life just gets better and better. There's no way I'm gonna wear the same thing as them!

"Just give me an image of how it looks," I instruct. "I can imagine it pretty quickly."

So, she shows me how the boys' uniform looks, and I imagine myself wearing it. I look down at the clothes in disgust. Oh, well. A Number's gotta do what a Number's gotta do.

"And you think this will actually work?" I ask. "If one of the Agents happen to be there, my cover will be blown."

"Can't you hide all traces?" she suggests.

I huff. "If I do that, there'll be nothing to separate me from the humans," I complain.

"Isn't that the idea?"

Good point.

"Fine," I sigh.

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