Under the Tophat

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I chose to name this 'UNDER THE TOPHAT' bcuz unda the surface we all differnt and this is really deep please believe me it int sh it like im different to all other authors and i dont wanna make another cliched prof layton book LIKE this one unique bcuz i acknowledge all the stupid cliched crap that happens so that means it is not sh it even tho it is. 

its a story that require zero thought but i am going to pretend its deep pls no hate this is the best thing ever pls like or ur a meany ppoo :(


He luk at her pretty reven hair whilst hiz abs glisten in the moonlite. She made that annoyng anime gasp sound that NO ONE ever likes or understands and thoght 'wow he hot' 

'Emmy I am hot' the professor said, because you know, why SHOW your audience that or even develop a character when you can just say they're hot and ofc everyone will love them bcuz they are sheep :) ohwaitsorrythatwastruthfulwhoops

'ik bby. but i am howter' Emmy said whilst she removed BROWN boots with golden buckles and a zip on the left side (this is v imporyant to point out) Leyton gasp and cheeks become a shade of crimson which is red probably or maybe it is blu. 

Leyton puts the tip of his fingers on his sexy tophat. Emmy gasps (bcuz y not) sine she low key no what is goin to happen. He slowly removed his hat, freeing his beautiful long golden locks. Emmy gasps (AGAIN) and she becomes moist

'U r going to be the Luke to my Leyton' he sed as he wrapped his locks around her feet. he then grinds his abs against her pinky. it was hawt.

Luke did not slepp that night too much noise       thanks for reading this my first fic pls no hate i am only 2 y/o and it is mean so thanks <3

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