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All my prayers go to the Tomlinson/Deakin family. Losing a family member is unimageable no matter if mother,father or a sibling. Johannah was too young to die, but now she will look down at her family from a better place without all the pain she must have been suffering from. Rest in peace, Johannah!

Even though the goal wasn't reached, I decided to update.

[goal for the next chapter: 25 votes and 10 comments.]

Hope you enjoy it!

After talking a bit longer with Liam, Louis went home. But as soon as he was there, he immediately began calling some foster families he knew from earlier days. But every time he explained the situation of the blond boy, they all said no, because he would need too much care for a normal working family.

Louis was getting frustrated. After having called 20 different families, he was starting to give up. He knew, that the blond boy would be really hard to take care of, but he didn't want him to end up in the orphanage, because there he would be all alone and most likely bullied, because of his injuries that would never really fade. He would always be an outcast there.

In his frustration, he wanted to call Liam again, when his phone rang. "Hello, I'm Alice from the St. Martins hospital. You're the social worker of Niall Horan, right?" "Hello, yes I'm Louis Tomlinson. How is he?" Alice sighed and Louis' heart dropped. "He is alive and he will most likely survive it, but we couldn't save his eyesight on his left eye due to a splinter in his eye, but at least we could save it. He has several broken ribs, a broken ankle and the heavy burn marks." Louis gasped. How could someone do that to their son? "He is still in an induced coma, but we would like you to come in immediately when he wakes up, due to having a lot to talk about. Did you already find someone who would take him in?" Louis sighed deeply. "Sadly not. After explaining what happened to him, they all declined, saying it would be too much work." The nurse sighed. It was true. The boy would need a lot of caretaking. "Oh ok... anyways we will call you as soon as he wakes up. Have a good night." "You too." Louis said and hung up.

After the call, Louis decided against calling Liam and made himself ready for bed. The next few days consisted out of calling more foster families, working with the kids at the foster home, who were still waiting for new foster parents, calling the hospital and visiting Liam.

Louis noticed a change of Liam, because the normally enthusiastic young man, had gone really quiet and was often deep in thoughts. It was nearly three weeks after the accident, that Liam spoke up: "What if I wanted to take the boy in? What would I need to do?" To say Louis was shocked was a big understatement. "W-What?" Louis asked. "What if I wanted to take Niall in? What would I need to do?" After it was confirmed that he had heard right, Louis explained everything to Liam that he had to know and gave him the formulas so he could read over everything again and sign the papers.

On the very next day, when Louis visited his friend, Liam had signed everything and gave it to Louis. "I would like to give him a chance. I have enough money to stay at home for the first few months, until he gets better and I talked to my dad, he is okay with it as well, so I don't need to worry about losing my job and my dad will support me if anything should happen." Louis nodded and a small smile spread out on his lips. "I'm so glad that Niall gets a chance. Thank you so much!" Louis said and hugged his best friend. "You don't know how happy that makes me! And I can always visit him!" Liam nodded. "Of course, you can."

After talking for a bit more, Louis decided to go home. On the way there, he got a call from the hospital. "Hello, here is Alice. Niall just woke up and we would like to see you at the hospital as soon as possible." Louis said he would be there asap, and immediately walked to the hospital, but not without messaging Liam about the good news.

When Louis got to the hospital, Alice was immediately by his side and led him to the room where Niall was staying. The boy was covered in bandages and looked around frantically.  The doctor was talking to the boy and tried to calm him down, but it was not working. Louis stepped up to the boy and softly began talking to him. "Hey Niall, I'm Louis. I'm glad you're finally awake and we have really good news..." Louis talked and talked and slowly the boy began to calm down. When he was finally calm enough, the doctor began talking to Niall again.

But Niall only looked at him perplexed, not understanding what the man in white was telling him. "Where Momma?" the boy asked and the doctor looked at Louis. "She's not here right now.." Louis said and immediately the boy began sobbing. " 'ant Momma." He cried and pulled at the bandages covering his face. Louis took the boy's hands in his own. "Everything's alright boy, she will come back okay?" "Momma!" He cried out again. Louis looked helplessly at the doctor, who was watching the scene thoughtfully. "Mr. Tomlinson, I'm going to tell you something and you will most likely not like it, but-" The doctor sopped and took a deep breath. "I think, after everything that has happened to him in the last few years has deeply influenced his mind. His teenage years were anything but pleasant, but it seems like he had a really good childhood so now he thinks, that he is a toddler again, because back than he was safe.." Louis was confused. "What does this mean?"

"Ever heard of non-sexual ageplay?"

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