Vicious Cycle

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I suppose it would be undeniably classy of me to write an interesting forward to this poem, but alas, that is not meant to be. Although this is all in good fun, take this poem at least a little seriously. Come on, guys!

Hate it? Love it? Comment on, pretty, pretty, please! (with a big juicy cherry on top!)


Waves crash against the ancient shore, endless cycles forevermore.

It came to me on a cold, dark winter's night- filled me with fright.

You said once that blood was thicker than water

Then what does it mean to spurn a friend?

For the sake of kin and daughter.

Cycles cannot have an end.

The tree of life goes round and round

I am all, but I am void.

Waves crash against the ancient shore, endless cycles forevermore

And the bitter taste of remembrance abound

Feels at first sweet on your tongue, nevermore

A rebound.

That burns you eternally

For the sins of your fathers.


An ancient score.

Love cannot touch that which is unreachable.

Or can it?

Hope is said to be false

But what am I

Without hope.

Hope will end

Said score.


(You know the face

not the story

My name

But not

The Horror

Look closer


Till all that remains

Is what you truly need to know,


The truth-

The truth shall set you free)

What is life without you?

Is it a dark cold wasteland?

Or a door to new beginnings?

The possibilities are endless

So are the sorrows.

Contradictory tones

Of life without you.

It isn't real life without you

Is it.

Or is it a façade,


That only exists for heartache.

I don't believe that though,

Given how much love I'd had

Forgive me,

I am just going mad

Facing the contradictory tones of life without you.

Words cannot express my helpless love for you

Vicious CycleWhere stories live. Discover now