✗ - Part 2

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Why the three of them are heading towards the party he isn't sure, but he guessed that acting as if no one had jus been murdered would be the best thing to do. It's not as if the three of them cared anyway, Nina had made Audrey's life a living hell after all and it wasn't something any of them would forget. Either way making an appearance wasn't something he was against, perhaps it would be his opportunity to talk with Brooke or to at least catch her attention, thus why he'd bothered in looking decent. Nina was gone now, and it had been a shock for the three of them, but they weren't grieving, nor did it look as if anyone else there did.

He walked through the door, his gaze landing on the blonde sitting on the couch almost instantly and for a moment their eyes met, his brown cinnamon orbs gazing into her own. He felt Audrey elbowing him, as if to break him out of his trance, but it didn't work, not when Brooke had got up and seemed to be approaching the three of them.

❝ Hi Audrey how are you ??

❝ Good, thanks. Um you know Noah and Ethan. ❞

He didn't say anything at all, he just stood there, watching the girl as Noah went on to make some stupid sarcastic comment about owning a place like the one they were in, one which managed to make a small breathy laugh part his lips. He didn't dare to break his gaze away from the blonde, not even when she had her eyes on him for a brief couple of seconds. It was strange to feel acknowledged for once, to know that she was aware of his presence.

❝ That's funny. Um, okay, food and drinks over there, and suits in the cabana if you want to swim. ❞

❝ But suits are completely optional. ❞

Brows orbs drift from the blonde to Jake who was now standing beside her, only to glare at him. Surely Ethan didn't appreciate his comment at all, more so considering the gravity of the situation their now dead friend had caused. Even if there wasn't any proof whatsoever on Nina possibly uploading the video online, Ethan knew better than to believe nonsense.

He watched how Audrey pushed passed Jake, the room going silent only for her to snap and storm out into the garden. As much as he would've wanted to follow after her, he didn't, mainly because Noah was already doing so and the last thing he wanted her to feel like was overwhelmed. After all he knew they both were closer than he and Audrey ever would be. Best friends was what they were after all, he was just around them usually.

❝ I can't believe she just showed up. ❞

Brows arch as he gazed at Brooke, a small forced laugh parting his lips as he shook his head. He could feel her eyes on her now as he looked down, both palms rubbing together as he spoke.

❝ She didn't just show up. ❞ He states, looking back up at her. ❝ She was- ❞

❝ I invited her. ❞

Everyone's eyes were on Emma now, and he was glad that at least someone else was backing Audrey up. Why Brooke had said that, was something he didn't quite understand, though he could tell that Audrey wasn't quite wanted there.

❝ Did you invite him too ??

He turns to look at Kieran who'd now walked through the door, his gaze now falling back on Brooke as soon as she spoke, and the pang of jealousy he felt was obvious.

❝ Oh, no. This one's all me. ❞

The new kid once again succeeds in getting the brooke's attention. Hell she probably didn't even remember his own name, but now he just stood there, surrounded by kids he barely ever talked to.

❝ Yeah, I'm gonna get myself something to drink too. ❞ Ethan said, before heading outside.

It's funny that he's still there, watching everyone around him have fun while he didn't quite understand how anyone could be fond of getting drunk and do whatever the hell one did at a party, but this wasn't just a simple party. It was a memorial, something that was being thrown in name of Nina, possibly the biggest bitch he himself has met.

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