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She is seated in a baby blue skirt and blazer with a cream blouse tucked into her skirt. She refuses to look up and notices me as she mumbles things to herself. I just stand in the doorway and watch her. She has her hair tucked behind her ear and she's tapping her foot against the floor. Samantha is focused on the things I had assigned to her so she hasn't noticed me standing here at the door.

I clear my throats and Samantha looks at me then at Serena and whispers, "Serena....good luck!" She looks at me and says to her in her professional state, "Miss Piper, Mr. Morse will see you now."

Serena stands and smiles walking by me and into the room, "Good afternoon."

"Yes...I've gone over your resume and you are very well qualified."


"You worked behind the desk as a nurse's assistant. You did very well as far as your references say."

She shakes her head, "But why are you doing this? I am such a mess I say things that don't make sense and I sound stupid when I say them. I'm not an assistant I'm better off doing the mail. Why are you trying to hire me for such an important job?"

"It's temporary and I enjoy your company."


"Ms. Fields is leaving me during her last few months and I'm going to need someone who will take her place. And I want that someone to be you. I will never permanently replace Ms. Fields she's been with me since the beginning."

She looks at me skeptically, so I add, "You need the job, but if you don't want it that's fine with me. There are other people."

"I want it. I do, I just I don't know your motives."

"Neither do I..." I admit.

"You're so honest." She says smiling whilst shaking her head. I don't know if it's good or bad because her face says one thing but she's doing another.


After the clock strikes midnight I find myself alone in my office working out this Dubai plan. Along with working on repairing my older hotels. Sitting in my office I glance at my desk. I see Vanessa throwing herself onto my desk and asking, "where will you do me next?"

I chuckle to myself and reply, "I haven't finished with the desk. Baby I'm just getting started..."

Hearing myself repeat those words from an old memory makes my insides cringe. I run my hands down my face and put my papers away. I rise from my desk put on my blazer head out to the hall grab my jacket and start for the elevators. Reaching the car, I hear my name being called.

"Hey! Damien! I mean sir or Morse. Mr. Morse sorry I don't know what to call you." Serena says shifting on her feet.

"Mr. Morse in the office if you call me sir outside of the office I'm taking you to the bedroom." I somewhat joke. With the smirk creeping my face I notice the blush creeping hers. I clear my throat and place my briefcase in the car.

"What are you still doing here?"

"Uh well I left about an hour ago. Sam was teaching me so much things and I just wanted to practice and try things out while she was gone. But phone is dead and my car won't start."

"Do you need a ride?"

"No, no I just need a jump."

I opened the trunk with push of a button. The trunk slowly rises and I notice her standing a little too close. My hand grazes the round of her breast as I try to move her out of the way.

"I apologize for doing it without intent or your permission." I say still smirking. It feels as if I haven't touched breast in decades. And that makes me miss the feeling of them. Soft perky breast the round of the breast and the hard of a nipple in between my fingers.

I focus on the task at hand ridding the phantom feeling of her breast on my palm. I grab for the cables in my trunk. I close the trunk and get in the car parking my car beside hers. I remove my jackets and roll up my sleeves. Her stares cause me to look in her direction and I can tell she likes what she sees as she visibly bites hard onto her lip. I smile refraining from calling her out on it. I pop the hood of her car and take a look. With the tail more closer to the light I can barely see. I turn on the flashlight from my phone to get a better look.

"Do you need me to do anything?" She asks quietly.

"Hold this." I hand her my cellphone and attach the wire cables from my car and attach the other end to her car. With a start of the car her car is good to go.

I remove the cables and place them back in my car before climbing into the driver's seat. She comes by the window and taps on it. Her features are relaxed she's smiling her dimples like trenches. She bites down on her lip before I get back to my senses and roll down the window.

She hands me my phone, "Thank you, Damien."

"No problem Serena. Next time this happens call me or come up and get me. I'd do it every time."

She smiles, "You're really sweet."

"Don't start falling for me."

She laughs, "And then you go and ruin it."

I don't say anything more because all I've got to offer is sex. Quite frankly I don't want to scare her off. While Vanessa loved how I fucked her, Serena may not. I don't want to hurt her and I sure as hell don't want her to think I'm an animal.

She taps on the car before asking, "Do you want to go for some dinner. You didn't eat all evening."

"If I do that. I'll want to take you home and make you my dessert. So I'm going to have to decline this time."

She sighs, "Okay...thanks again."

"Get home safely. Let me know you get home safely."

"I will. Do I text your business line?"

"Either one." I say and she walks back to her car as I watch with regret. I want sex. I need to have sex. But I like her too much too fuck this up. She gets in her car and drives away. Only then do I drive away.

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