Big 5 - Mari Rivani

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Name: Mari Elizabeth Rivani

Age: 28

Nicknames: Captain Mari, "that bloody pirate wench"

Gender: Female

Birthday: January 30th

Looks: Mari is rather tall, standing at six feet tall. She has long and naturally curly red hair, bright green eyes, tanned skin, and an extremely curvy body (with large breasts, something she's proud of). Her attire consists of a red and black blouse accompanied by a brown sash, black leotards, dark brown boots, a dark red bandanna, and of course her signature pirate's hat. Her weapons are two scimitars.

Likes: Booze, women, sex, going to brothels, having a fun time, little to no rules, being around her new friends

Dislikes: Pervy men, cheap alcohol, wine, rules, boring people, those who hurt her friends

Personality: Mari is as flirty as anyone can get; she's also a rather fun person to be around, as she cracks jokes that are either bad, dirty, or extremely punny. However... All of that masks the fact that she hates herself, not for how she looks but for the fact that she indirectly caused her younger sister to become insane. She is also slightly insecure when it comes to actual true love, as she hasn't ever felt anything for anyone.

Sexuality: Lesbian

Other: Mari was born in Antiva, to a poor family originally from Rivain. Her father had died just days after her little sister, Ria, was born (Mari was five years old). After that, she helped her mother take care of the house. She spent some of her days reading stories about pirates, and even watching sailors walk by. At seventeen, Mari decided to join a pirate crew, thinking that the life of a pirate was what she was meant to do. Up until she turned 23, Mari traveled all across Thedas, Tamriel, and other places, spending a lot of time in the Free Marches, Ferelden, Orlais, Skyrim, Cyrodiil, and Tevinter. During those years, she regularly visited brothels to make herself feel better about what she had become.
One day, while visiting Winterhold, she had met Janny, who had been going through a rough time. Mari, feeling bad for the girl, ended up seducing her in order to help her get over her ex lover. It didn't end well.
Later on, Mari met a young woman named Vanessa, aka one of the daughters of Molag Bal. It soon seemed as though Mari would find the woman she would spend the rest of her life loving...
Mari is also allergic to sunflowers and sunflower seeds. And she adopted a cocker spaniel puppy she named Muddy. She is still friends with Janny to this day, and will become protective if anyone tries to hurt her. Mari's biggest fear is herself, and dying.

Quotes: "Men are almost always the same. All they want is your tits and your ass." "Yes, I fucked the Dragonborn. Yes, she's a bottom. Yes, I'm proud. No, I don't want to talk about it." "I need a drink." "If I hadn't met Vanessa, I would probably be way worse than I already am. Or perhaps dead, killed by my sister." "I'm alright with magic. So long as it doesn't turn into blood magic."

Theme Songs:

Drunken Sailor by Irish Rovers

Stronger by Britney Spears

Candyland by Blood on the Dance Floor

Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Song

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