Chapter Two

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It has been two moons since the apprentice ceremony. Shadekit sighed, looking down at her paws. She couldn't wait to be an apprentice, and it just couldn't happen fast enough. Plus it seemed like no matter what she did, it was never good enough for Flowerdapple.

"You're useless." Flowerdapple mrowed in disgust, and all Shadekit had done was accidently run into Echofoot. The black and white she cat tried to convince her that it wasn't her fault but Shadekit didn't believe her.

It was impossible to please her. Nothing Shadekit did was good enough.

"Look, I learned a battle move!" Oakkit meowed excitedly and she procceeded to show Flowerdapple.

"Well done!" Flowerdapple putted.

"I can do it too!" Shadekit copied Oakkit's action. Flowerdapple sighed and walked away. Shadekit's face fell and her tail dropped to the ground.

"I think you did amazing!" Oakkit said, headbutting Shadekit. She looked up at her sister and forced a smile.


That wasn't the worst of it. Badgerclaw and Flowerdapple constantly argued and didn't get along. If only I was prettier and better maybe they'd get along. Shadekit thought to herself while overhearing one of their arguements.

   Shadekit sighed as she thought of her parents constant arguements. Like the one that was happening right now. Shadekit and Oakkit watched in sadness.

"Why won't you just love her!?" Badgerclaw yowled, his fur bristling. "She's done nothing to you!"

"That isn't true. She's done plenty." Flowerdapple meowed.

"Are you kidding me!? What could she possibly have done?" He hissed, ears back, taking a step forward. "She's an innoccent kit!"

"Badgerclaw you don't underst-"

"Oh, I do understand." His meow was dark as he narrowed his eyes. "'re so obsessed with beauty, looks, and the past. You are turning out just like Roseshine!" Flowerdapple bared her teeth.

"How dare you!!!" She hissed.

"Since You're so obsessed with beauty you can be your own mate." He growled, and spun around, stalking off towards Stonestar's den his tail lashing angrily. Flowerdapple's eyes narrowed and she bounded off out of camp.

Shadekit's jaw was wide open in shock and horror at what she had just witnessed. Oakkit Sat next to her.

"I think you're very pretty" Oakkit told her. Shadekit looked up at her sister with a half smile. "I think you're beautiful"

"Thank you" Shadekit meowed softly. "You're the best sister ever". Oakkit smiled and nuzzled her sister.

The newly made warriors, Ravenfeather and Dustclaw, returned happily from a hunting patrol with a good catch, distracting the two kits.

    "Prey is running well this new leaf" Ravenfeather meowed as he walked past.

    "Indeed" Dustclaw purred and he nodded to Oakkit. Oakkit looked away nervously, as Stormpaw walked by them to the nursery.

    "Do you like him?" Shadekit asked forgetting temporarily about their parents not being together anymore.

    "No!" Oakkit said in defense. Shadekit giggled, soon, they would be apprentices.

Robinkit, Jaykit, and Featherkit, tumbled out of the nursery in a squealing mess. Shadekit and Oakkit shared a glance and then burst into laughter at Sparrowflight's new litter being complete goofballs. Then Shadekit remembered the nursery. Shadekit couldn't bear to be in the nursery with her mother. Besides her mother didn't, want her around. Her mother hated her. I just wish I knew why she didn't love me. Shadekit sighed. So Sparrowflight let her share her nest. Oakkit noticed her hesitance and change of mood.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now