Chapter Three

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"Shadekit..." A voice meowed in the misty forest.

"Hello?" Shadekit turned around. "Who's there."

A pale gray form of a shecat approached her. Shadekit was confused, and she backed away.

"Power breeds infection"  The she cat backed away and started to fade.

"Wait! Who are you? What do you mean? Don't go!" She yowled.

Suddenly Shadekit was awoken from her strange dream.

"Shadekit! Oakkit!" Darkpelt meowed into the nursery. "Something terrible has happened!" Oakkit woke up instantly.

"What? What happened?" The older warrior looked down in sadness. "It's....Flowerdapple. The dawn patrol...we found her body..."

"Her...her body?" Oakkit said, confused and shocked. Shadekit's eyes were wide in shock and disbelief. Darkpelt nodded.

"I'm so sorry..." Graywhisker meowed. "She didn't make it."

"Wh-what happened to her?" Oakkit asked.

"A Fox....another patrol has been sent out to find the Fox." Darkpelt meowed. Oakkit laid her head on Shadekit's shoulder. Shadekit closed her eyes a d sadness. If I hadn't argued with her, then maybe she'd still be alive...


"Shadekit!!! You're gonna be such an awesome warrior!!" Featherkit meowed excitedly. "You're the bestest!" The young silver tabby shekit boasted. Shadekit shrugged.

"You will be too." Shadekit meowed. Shadekit knew that Featherkit looked up to her so much, and it was kind of embarrassing. Featherkit purred in response and her sisters Robinkit and Jaykit rolled their eyes. Shadekit turned her attention back to Oakkit and she sighed in guilt. She still blamed herself for her mother's accident. And Shadekit was confused about the strange dream she had. She got up from her nest and she padded over to the medicine den.

"I feel so bad for them" Mistyflame meowed. "They lost their mother too soon" Shadekit flinched from the whispers of the warriors.

"It's always a shame when youngsters lose their loved ones too early" Toadpelt licked his chest fur and Shadekit blocked out everyone else. She walked into the medicine den.

"Aspenberry? I had a weird dream." Shadekit said. Aspenberry, looked up from her herb sorting.

"What?? About? " Aspenberry asked, tilting her head

"The night before they find her body." Shadekit meowed. "A strange gray she cat told me that Power breeds infection. And then she faded away."

"Sounds like you ate a bad mouse. I'm sure you'll be fine my dear." Aspenberry looked at her paws and then  She touched Shadekit's shoulder with her tail. "Come. It's time for your apprentice ceremony." Aspenberry smiled and Shadekit smiled back. The two she cats walked out into the camp clearing, side by side. Shadekit joined her sister at the stump.

"In light of recent events, we have a new duty to perform." Stonestar meowed to the clan proudly. Shadekit took in a deep breath and she nuzzled Oakkit who was visibly nervous.

"It's gonna be fine" Shadekit whispered to her sister.

"I know. I just wish Flowerdapple was here. I wish she was proud of you. I wish everything was different" Oakkit buried her nose in her sisters shoulder. Shadekit closed her eyes.

"It will be okay, Oakkit." Shadekit murmured.

"It is my great honor to name these new apprentices, the daughters of our fallen clanmate. Oakkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Oakpaw. I know you have lost your mother and I guarantee she's watching you from the stars above today. I ask StarClan to watch over you and guide you until you find in your paws the strength and courage of a warrior." Stonestar began the ceremony. Oakpaw looked up at him in awe and she seemed to have forgotten all her previous anxiety. Stonestar then signaled for Graywhisker to step forward. Graywhisker proudly approached his leader and new apprentice.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now