Chapter 1

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Rin's P.O.V
     I wake up to a blaring alarm clock and ignore it. Honestly, it's like 6:05am and I have to wake up?! The hell, seriously!
The alarm clock won't stop so I groan and slam my hand over it as hard as I can.... without braking it... Oops.
I look over at the time: 6:55am. CRAP!!!!! IM GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN, DAMNIT YUKIO!!! I rapidly throw my clothes on and sprint out the door and down the spiral stairs. Knowing me, I tripped down most of them but, I eventually make it to class..... Maybe? Gawd, Yukio is gonna kill me for this.... welp, what do I care, it's just one class.
{le time skipp}
I make it to class at around 7:15am; eh, 10 minutes late not bad, not bad. I silently slip into the class and make a dash to my seat before Yukio notices. Sitting in my normal seat, I glance backward, and see a girl with long (h/c) and (e/c). She ends up look at me and then looking back down. Hmm... how weird.. she pretty different than any other girl. While Yukio is giving a stupid lecture on monsters or something, I can't help but think about the girl behind me. Who is she? Questions race through my head, and these make me want to become her friend.
"Yukio!" I say.
"Rin.... *continues on with the lesson*"
"Yukio! Don't ignore me!!"
"Rin, can I speak with you in the hall?"
Reluctantly, I walk over to the door... Per usual.

Your P.O.V
     Rin, huh... Yukio and Rin must be brothers with their behavior toward each other. I can't help but wonder, just who are you, Rin Okumura? Not even realizing, Rin and Yukio are outside of the classroom. Wow, how observant you are (y/n).
"Hey you! (H/c)!"
I look over at the guy yelling at me, gesh, what a jerk! Tch.
"What do you need?" I said sarcastically with a scoff.
"Whatcha think of Rin? He's a complete idiot, right?"
"I've seen much worse than interrupting a class. Once a group of boys were hitting on the girl teacher (yes, this happens in my school... sadly, I'm surrounded by idiots.)."
"*laughs* that's great!!!!"
"Bon, you probably should-" I cut of the short kid with the glasses.
"No, it's fine... I laugh at that from time to time." I smile and see Rin and Yu- I mean Mr. Okumura walk in. Everyone goes back to looking at their notebooks except me, i find myself staring at Rin. I feel the need to talk to him... Like, we have something in common.. Gawd, this is to much for me right! Pay attention (y/n), pay attention to Mr. Okumura!
{another time skip by Satan}
After class I walk out the door alone and reading my book, until Rin pops up next to me.
"Heyo, (y/n)!" I hear his voice and I drop the book I was reading. I really feel the need to smack him cause one: I lost my page and two: don't freaking scare me!
"Oh, hi Rin" I say with a smile and go to grab my book from the floor. Instead of me grabbing my book, Rin handed it to me.
"Thanks Rin."
"No problem, I felt kinda bad for sneaking up on ya."
"Oh," I chuckle slightly" you know, you aren't as bad as Bon and the others say you are."
"Really... you think so..?"
"I do.. And I now how it feels to having people call you an idiot and stuff like that." Rin did something I never expected at that moment.... he freaking hugged me... what tHE hELL?!
"YES! SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS ME!!" He placed my feet back on the ground and continued on"Um... i-if you wouldn't mind... do you think w-" i cut him off.. le oops
"Of course can be friends." "Really?!" "Yup!" "YAYAY!!". To be honest, Rin can make anyone laugh... why is Bon being such an ass about it?
"(Y/n), do you have a dorm or a place to sleep?". Shit! I forgot all about somewhere to sleep... DAMNIT!
"Ummmm.... no, no I don't .." I mumble and look down.
"Hey, don't worry 'bout it! Yukio can get ya a room!"
I look up and smile at Rin"Thank you!!!"
After a few minutes Rin and I were joined by his brother, Yukio; they led me to where their dorm is and took me to Rin's.
"Well, you'll be bunking with Rin."
"Thank you, Yuk- Mr. Ok-" " It's alright, you can call me Yukio, I don't mind." "Oh, ok!"
Yukio went to close the door then said one more thing, "(y/n)..... there's something you need to know about though..". I nodded my head. "Rin is a demon half blood... and so am I.. except, I don't have demon powers like Rin."
ALRIGHT! That chapter was pretty shitty for the first one but, oh well. I hope you did enjoy it tho cause, it took me so longgggggggggg to figure out how to start it so, please leave me some tips on what to do next! Wait.... OH! I just noticed, I finally started writing here again... Lmao😂😂😂 Rip me! Anywho, bai!

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