Chapter 3

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Your P.O.V
After dinner, Rin and I started to walk up the stairs until he said that I should go clean up for bed. To be completely honest, I was a little upset because I wanted to continue to talk to Rin. I just nodded my head and walked all alone up the stairs, into the dorm room and grab my pj's and shower caddy. Stepping into the bathroom, it smelt like Vanilla Bean candles. The mirror and everything about the bathroom was stunning and I loved everything about it. I walked over to the glass enclosed shower and turned on the warm water. Slowly, I removed my clothes and checked to see if I locked the door and I had.
{A wet time skippp}
The water poured over my now, makeup stained face. Squeezing some shampoo in the palm of my hand and stroking it through my hair, I started to remember what I had said to Rin, while setting my side of the room. Wow, I'm such a dummy... "I trust you." How could I say that to a total stranger?! Ugh, I don't even know why I just threw my trust around. Rin is trustworthy though so, it's fine I did that... I guess.
I continued on with my shower and thought about Rin.. What is with me?! Get Rin out of your head. You didn't come to True Cross for a boyfriend, you came to start a new life.
I stepped out of the shower and dried off so I could change and go to sleep.
{night night time skipppp}
Soon enough, I walk into the dorm room and see Rin lying shirtless, underneath the covers, sleeping.
"Aw~ he looks so cute~" I said out loud startling myself. I shake my head and crawl into the bed and drift off to sleep.
You came here for a fresh start and way from your mother. Stay with that task in mind. Don't drift away from it.
Talking to myself made my eyes feel heavier than they already were. And slowly I drift of to sleep...
{le creepy sun rises to five you a time skippp (yes, I do know the Creepy Sun is from another anime! Soul Eater, duhh)}
My eyes fly open as I hear Rin groaning and the annoying alarm clock called, Yukio. I slide off my bed and poke Rin's cheek.
"Hey.." I whisper in Rin's ear "Wake up!". And with that Rin flopped off of his bed and we walk downstairs together.
"Good Morning, sleepy one and two!" Yukio says with heavy sarcasm. Sometimes, I just really wanna punch him.
Rin and I groan in unison and go grab some food.
{another symmetrical time skipppppp by Death the Kid}
It was only my second week at True Cross, and I still have no idea where the hell my classes are! Well, I do know where the cafeteria is cause.... food!
"Aye [name], come and sit with us!" I hear Rin yell to me. Even at lunch, I've never sat with Rin and all his friends. Like, the are my friends as well but, I just needed to see what these people were like; Pretty Much the only that is possible for me is, being alone. So I didn't seem socially awkward, which I already am, I went over to the table and sat beside Rin. He gave me that toothy grin that I love s- WHAT?! I mean that toothy grin that makes me smile along side him... yeah, much better (Real smooth save, Reader XD)
I look at everyone at the table to make sure I knew who they were.
Me, Rin,Bon, Izumo, Konekomaru, Sheimi and Shima
After I was done with that, Sheimi and Izumo came over to talk to me while Rin and the boys talked. I felt like I belong somewhere....
"[name]-chan, how's living with the Okumura twins?" Sheimi asked me and Izumo just nodded.
"Hm..?" I questioned "Oh, well.. it's not that bad. Yukio is always checking up on me and Rin... He's a lost cause." The three of us giggle.
"We should throw a small party whenever you are ready." Izumo added.
"Now that, sounds like a great idea! I'll ask Yu-" I was cut off by Rin. "Yukio wouldn't mind! Set the date and we should be ready to go!" Rin said.
"I'll still ask Yukio." I laugh.
"We should do it... hm... today is Tuesday so, let's do it on Thursday!" Sheimi said with a smile. Izumo nodded in agreement and all the boys were listening so they agreed.
"It's settled then, Thursday it's party time right after school." I reminded then just before the bell for lunch rung.
I walk with the gang and remind myself that I have English with them so I don't have to worry about being alone.
"[name]..? You ok?" Rin's voice pulls me from my thoughts.
"Hm...? Oh yeah I'm fine!"
"You sure..? You look a little pale." It's written all over Rin's face that he is concerned for me. To reassure him, I place my hand on his shoulder. "I'm okay, I promise.". I look up and see Rin's hand on my forehead, "Once we get home, I'm making you soup." "Rin, I promise you I'll mak-" My head starts to throb and I feel like I might just fall over but, Rin catches me.
"T-thanks Rin."
"Anytime... now, let's get into class." I nod and we sit beside each other for the class.
No matter how hard I tried to focus on the lesson, I glanced over at Rin and thought about him. Honestly, I don't know why my thoughts have been about Rin. I mean, I don't like him like that but, he is my best friend. I've never felt so confused about anyone and I don't really know what to do about it.
Rin's P.O.V (ayee we made it to his P.O.V)
I hate Yukio's English class lectures, to be completely honest (no! Not u Rin! You never sleep through his classes XD) Soon enough, he shuts up and tells us to read pages 145 to 155 with a partner. I already knew who everyone was gonna pick so, I rested my head on my book waiting for [name] to leave. But, she never did move. She just sat there and read. I tapped her shoulder.
"Hey, you wanna partner up..?" She looks over at me and smiles. Damn, too freaking cute!! I wink back at her and she starts reading it out loud. About 20 paragraphs in, we just started talking about Yukio's lectures. She hates his lectures just as much as I do, and that made me laugh and appreciate having her as my best friend.
"Seriously though, Yukio could go on and on for ages talking about monsters." She let out a chuckle.
"He really could, to be completely honest. Yukio has always been a brainiac when it came to exerorsism." I replied back to her.
She giggles. Ah, I could get used to hearing that.
That's it, friendos! I know it's been a lot of shitty filler but, don't you worry..... hehehehehehehhehehehe! Until then, baiiii

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