Adopted by o2l

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OMG guys this is my first story so please don't hate.



Hi I'm Ella I'm 15 and I am not one of those typical girly girls who is concerned about make up and all that fun stuff. I live in Ms. Sunshine's Orphanage (which isn't fun at all) I've live here ever since I was 9. I have long blonde hair and green/grey eyes and I am pretty skinny.


I'm so excited today we are going to an orphanage to get a girl to take care of I just can't stop smiling.


Today is adoption day. yay. I never get adopted all the people go for the your her kids so I'm just kinda stuck here. "All children on their bet behaviors all the couples will be coming up to chose a child in 10 minutes." Ms. Sunshine said over the loud speaker.

*10 minutes later*

I hear foot steps and see a bunch of people walking past my door and little kids running around screaming. I just sat their on my bed charming the wheels on my penny board.


We arrived at the orphanage and when's inside the place was boring and color less i felt kind of bad for the kinds. we walked up the stairs to the girls section of the orphanage and went down the we just kinda looked in each door to see what each girl was doing. most of them were doing make up until we got to this one girl who was gaming the wheels on a penny board.

"Guys come check it out this girl has a penny board lets go her to know her." I said and entered the room.


I saw a figure enter my room and I looked up to 6 very attractive boys standing I'm front of me.

"Hi I'm Ella." I said

"I'm Connor." said the one who looked to be the oldest

"I'm Ricky." said the one who sounded like he has lisps.

"I'm kian." said the one with a nose ring.

"Jc here." said the one who had black hair and a snap back on.

"I'm Sam." said the guy with rosy red cheeks.

"I'm Trevor." said the one who looked about my age and was very cute.

They all came over to my bed and sat down.

"So tell us about yourself." I think it was Connor who said that.

"Well my name is Ella I love to skate I have 3 skate boards a long bored and a penny bored, i also love Arizona tea i love snap backs and beanies and I have 8 piercings for every time I have been brought back by my owner." I said all in one breath.

"I only see 7 piercings." kian said.

I lifted up my shirt just enough for them to see my belly button and I had a penny board belly button ring on. They all looked at each other and then at me.

"Ella pack your bags we are adopting you." Jc said.

"K." I said and they all left.


"How about you go help Ella pack her bags." J c said to me

I went back over to her room and I heard her singing, god she had the voice of an angel she was singing neon lights by Demi Lovato. I walked into the room and she stopped singing.

"You have a lovely voice." I told her truthfully

"You don't have to pretend I know I'm not good at singing." she said blankly and shattered my heart into a million pieces.

After about 20 minutes of packing we finished and went down to the lobby and saw the rest of the guys waiting for us.


They were all waiting for me and Trevor in the lobby and when we got down there we went outside and Ricky pulled up the black range rover.

"Guys did any of you think that the car only holds 6 people and there are 7 of us." Ricky yell through the passenger window.

They all looked at each other for a good five minutes until Sam got a good idea.

"How about Ella sit on someone's lap?" Sam said looking proud at his idea.

"That sounds good." kian said

" Whose lap is she going to sit on?" Jc said

"She can sit on mine." Trevor said instantly after Jc asked his question.

They all piles into the car then I got in and sat on Trevor's lap. kian and Connor were whispering something to each other then they looked at us and smiled. Ten minutes later we arrived at their house not mansion the place was huge. We all piled out of the car and I ran inside of the house it was beautiful. Trevor came running in tight after me.

"You are a really fast runner." he said

"Thanks." I said

"Trevor go show her her room." Connor yelled from out the door

He grabbed my hand and ran up the stairs we walked all the way down the hallway and the very last door to the right was mine. He opened the door and we both walked in the walls were sea green (my favorite color) with a white bed and a dresser a desk and a bathroom connected to the room.

"Thank you so much." I said giving Trevor a hug.

He just smiled and then Jc came in with my bags there were 5 of them and he plopped them on the floor in from of me.

"Do you want help unpacking or no?" Jc asked

"No I got it thanks though." I said

I wouldn't let them see my blades I had in one of bags then they would take me back to the orphanage. I started putting my clothes in the Dresser and when I finished that I took my last bag and brought it into the bathroom it had a little bit of make up in it my jewelry and my razors. I put everything away and hid all my blades. When I was finally finished I pulled up my right sleeve took off all my bracelets took a razor and slid it against my skin cutting deep 6 times one for each of the boys because I didn't deserve them. I cleaned up the blood pulled my sleeve down and went down stairs and say on the couch between Connor and Trevor.

"Anyone want pasta?" Ricky shouted from the kitchen

"ME." I yelled and put my hand up in the air like a little kid at school who knew the answer to a question.

I looked up at my arm and realize that I had forgotten to put my bracelets back on an you could see my cuts. I put my arm down quickly but not fast enough Jc was looking at my in shock. I ran up stairs into my room and started to cry I blew it, I blew my shot at never going back to that hell hole they are going to take me back. Just then my door opened then shut and I felt the bed dip next to me. I looked up so see Jc staring at me with tears in his eyes.


This is my first time doing this so please don't hate me if its really bad

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