Me and Emilie

15 1 1


December 4th

Chapter Number 2, Entry # 1:

"No Social Life What-so-ever"

I thought that I should introduce myself (again) since this is the second chapter of you Em. :)

Hi, I'm Elsa. I'm 13 years old and I dream of becoming a singer, dancer and possibly a songwriter. I know it's crazy but a girl can dream cant she? Being 13 and having no social like what-so-ever, I have a lot of time to write on songs and work on my voice.

Currently I'm working on a song right now, I've worked on it none stop because I think it's going to be the song that really starts my career.


Picking at the flowers

Standing at the corner

The world around flashes it's colors

It makes me

It makes me

Soooo-oh-oh hypnotized

I don't have much but I'm working on it. Oh well, I'll speak to you later Em. Have to go to God forsaken school. Wish me luck? I sure am gonna need it!


As I close my journal, or Em as I call her I frown why do I go to school anyway? School sucks I get bullied, for being to smart or to dumb, to skinny or to fat, to pretty or to ugly. I know it's freakin' rediculous. I'd rather crawl into a hole and stay there the whole day then go to school and face my peers

I walk out to the bus stop trying to look busy on my phone having the notes section out I continue to work on my song. Humming the lyrics to myself I continue to keep my face in my phone even though I hear familiar voices, no not my friends... Haha I wish! Just kidding, I'd rather die then have those 5 girls with no brains and the dips that follow them along consider me as a friend. One of those dips used to be my friend his name is Isaihh. We used to do everything together and no we didn't have some MAJOR fight to make us stop being best friends, he just quit talking to me or even acting like I was there. I mean, what am I suppost to do? Throw hot corn on him and yell "Hey doof! Remember me?? Your best friend!" Ha.No.

I walk into first period, Having the fake smile on my face as I always do acting as if I'm so thrilled to be spending my precious life in a classroom. As I walk to the back of the classroom and begin taking out my books the classroom begins to fill in. Our teacher, Mr. Philps, walks in and might I say he could be doctor Phil's twin brother and no he's not I've already asked that question, maybe thats the reason I have no friends? Because I ask really idiotic questions that no one, but me, would even think of asking.

I see a guy a little taller than me, back hair swooped over with black glasses and big green eyes talking to Mr Philps, me being the nosy person I am begin to listen into their conversation Mr Philps says "New here?" kid says "Yeah I'm Quin" I laugh to myself ew Quin. Mr Philps replies with "Go to the back and set next to that girl with the empty seat next to her" My stomach does a back flip, he means me. Oh no. I don't like social interaction! I scramble to get my backpack and start digging threw it until I find something that feels like a book and pull it out not even noticing what type of book it was I pretend to read it, hoping that Quin wouldn't dare talk to me, but of course he does "Hey, you like reading phones books eh?" I mentally face palm myself, I pulled out a phone book to read like seriously? I squirm in my seat "Yes, I also enjoy reading take out menus and recipe books" sending a grin his way "You're a funny girl, I like that" says Quin "As I've heard" I say turning back to 'reading' my phone book. I small chuckle comes out of Quin and he sit down

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