Chapter Eight: Killing Titans, and Hearts

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Mikasa's POV:

My heart raced as we came to the only barrier between beasts and humans; the wall. No words could describe the smell of the place, or the horrific sites as we passed through. Dried blood splatters covers the roads and buildings, houses lay silent and solemn, belongings litter the path. Some of my squad is poking around in the rubble, but I cannot bring myself to partake in such an act. I feel like it's an insult to the memory.

Almost as quickly as we arrived, a 5 meter and 10 meter come around the corner ahead, everyone tenses. This will be our first kill outside the wall. I spring into the air and latch onto a nearby building before launching myself forward, towards the danger. I hear someone yelling my name but I don't stop to look back. In a few minutes I'm standing beside the severed necks of two titans with my squad looking at me with mixtures of awe and horror.

     I couldn't help thinking about Eren's squad while killing those titans.  Did his squad get wiped out and that's why those two got through?  Or did they not see them?  Being squad leader on your first mission really takes a toll on your mental stability.  I am equipped with flares in case anything goes wrong on the mission, which I'm praying nothing will.  We will all meet back at the wall in one piece, we will. "Mikasa! Watch out!" Sasha screams, pointing toward my right. An abnormal titan had somehow crept up on us and was only a short distance away, short enough to kill.

I bark out orders for everyone to get off the street, but they were already ahead of me. Soon I was the only one left on the street, looking at the grotesque creature. It's neck was at an awkward angle, reminding me of a dog at play. With its sinister smile plastered on its face, it ran straight for me. I quickly activated my 3DMG and flew to my right, just barely missing a hand. Sasha had my back and was already launching herself at it. She sprung onto its neck and quickly ended it. "Mikasa, we need to be a bit more careful I think." She says, one of the first things to be serious coming out of her mouth. I nod and return to the front of the squad, pressing on.

There is a building in the center of the town that Erwin said to meet the other backing squads to exchange information. We approach that building now, quickly sprinting towards its safety.

We enter the building and go to its second floor, the floor that was mentioned. Only there is no one else here except Erwin and two other highly ranked people. "Mikasa... Did you see anyone else outside?" Erwin asks, his brows furrowing. I shake my head and look at my squad, making eye contact to silently ask if they had seen anyone. Everyone looked away when I met their gaze. "We have seen no one else." I report, saluting him quickly. Erwin waves his hand to say at ease, and I relax, checking over my 3DMG.

Erwin looks at the ground, his face showing an obvious pain. "I think, I think you're the only backing squad that made it through." He says quietly, not looking up. Sasha drops to the ground in tears. I look at her weirdly for a second before I remember that Connie was in a different backing squad. I wrack my brain for everyone I know, thinking hard on what squads they were in. Jean, Annie, Armin, and Marco were the only other people I knew really, but they were all on front squads. I let out a sigh of relief on my behalf, but I go to comfort Sasha.

We sit there for a good thirty minutes, her in my arms, fingers intertwined with my shirt, before we hear a noise from downstairs. Everyone springs up, alert and ready to bolt, and the noises continue, like something making its way up to us. I glare at the door, I feel like I am ready to take on anything that comes through for I am so enraged at losing a friend. Finally the door bursts open, and in comes a bloody Eren followed by Levi and Annie who is carrying an unconscious Connie.

Sasha runs to Connie and grabs at his arm, rambling about how much she was worried even though he cannot hear her. I run to Eren and quickly pull him into my arms, relieved that he is safe. Levi, quick to part our hug, orders Eren to come and help report to Erwin. Eren shoots me an apologetic look and runs after Levi. Jean finally makes his way into the room, I guess he was refilling his tanks downstairs. He makes a b-line for me and I groan a little on the inside. "Mikasa, I'm so glad you're okay." He says, reaching for a strand of my hair and curls it around his finger. My hair has become pretty long again, I'll have to cut it when we get back, I think. Upon seeing Jean, Levi goes livid and yells across the room for him to stand lookout to search for any other squads outside. A muttering Jean sulks away to the door.

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