First Day of The Rest of My Life

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I pulled into the school parking-lot and got stares from everyone, even the "populars". When i parked i took a deep breath and looked into the rear-view mirror. I tried to say something.

"My name is Samantha Blake, its nice to meet you." Came out an unfamiliar ring. I gasped as i realized that i spoke loud clear words. "How are you today?" I asked nobody. I laughed out loud and smiled into the mirror. I put the keys in my backpack and dropped out of the Jeep and slammed the door shut behind me. Everyone, and i do mean everyone, started staring and whispering to each other. I strolled to the main entrance of the school then stopped dead in my tracks. I turned to everyone and said, "Hello everyone, isn't a nice day today," smiled and walked into the building. I took a deep breath and walked to my first hour class.

Global History had to be the most boring class in the entire school, but i still walked into the class smiling. I received gasps from everyone when they saw my brilliant white teeth. i looked at the teacher and nodded, then walked to the back of the room to my seat. I slung my bag over he back of my chair and sat down, pulling out my notebook prepared to take notes.

"Hello everyone, guess what? Pop quiz." Mr. Dylan stated standing up. Everyone groaned, but me. I sat there smiling at him with satisfaction in my eyes. He looked startled at my sudden eagerness to be involved.

"What German terrorist slaughtered 4.1 million jews in 1939?" He asked. I hesitated then put my hand up in the air."Yes Samantha?" He looked even more startled than before. Everyone turned around and prepared to laugh if either i got it wrong or i couldn't speak.

"That would be Hitler i believe." I stated firmly, with confidence. He looked frightened by the light ringy-tone of my newly found voice. Everyones expressions changed from amused to startled to happy. All of a sudden everyone stated clapping. My smile grew wider.

"That is correct. If you are able to i would like you to stay after class to chat for a few."

"Yeah sure next hour is my free period anyway." i said in my sing-song voice still smiling. He nodded then smiled.

"Alright everyone pull out and do chapters 21-24 all sections and questions then write a 7 paragraph essay on Hitlers invasion." He said then sat back down. "Whatever unfinished work you have is for homework."

I spent the duration of the period working and packed my stuff up right before the bell rang, signaling the end of the period. I put my bag over my shoulder and walked up to the front of the room.

"You wanted to see me?" I said as leaned against the desk right infront of his.

"Oh yes, thank you Ms. Blake, have a seat if you'd like. I'll call Mrs. Vechione and let her know i've got you." I nodded and sat down putting my bag on my lap. Mr. Blake is in his mid-twenties, with slick black hair and a long face. He would be very attractive if he ever smiled.

After he got of the phone he leaned against his desk and picked up something that looked like it was a file. My file.

"Did i do something wrong?" I asked him nervously. I twirled one of my curls around my finger as i waited for him to answer.

"No nothing wrong. Whats going on with all of this?" He asked making a circular motion with his hand dire ted towards me.

"Just trying something different." I smiled at his curiosity.

"And since when do you pay attention in my class. I thought you were just one of those students that hated everything and didn't care if they passed or failed in life."

"Oh no its not like that at all. I've just been going through a lot and decided to get over myself and move on with life." I giggled softly at myself as i said the last part. There it was again the ringing tone in my voice. I wonder why i am getting so good at this. Maybe my body wants a change just as much as my mind.

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