Life is Truly Amazing !

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Lots of great things can fulfill one's life especially if you are accepting and willing to embrace them with a perpetual positive attitude. I am so thankful for those moments! On very rare occasions through one's long journey in life, truly amazing things bless and humble us at the same time.

At the end of my "Follow Life's Plan" lesson, I mentioned a "remarkable story in and of itself for another time." I will share that experience with you now.

The allure of a truly great job can tear us from our hometown and the family and friends that are part of our lives as we grow up. After I graduated from Michigan State University, IBM in Austin, Texas offered me a wonderful opportunity.

​I was young and filled with desire for adventure! Having lived in Michigan all my life and only been on a plane once during my existence up to that point, the thought of traveling and living in a warm climate where I could spend much of my days outdoors was too much to resist.

Off I went to a land far from my dear family, classmates, and other friends. To be honest, I hadn't really thought about that part nearly enough.

Keep in mind, this was back in the 1970s when cheap means of internet communications like email, Facebook, Skype, and text messaging weren't even thought of. Long distance calls between Michigan and Texas were outrageous and the cost of stamps kept plodding ever higher. Over 40 years I had lost touch with so many of my friends and even much of my huge extended family.

It wasn't until a few of my book signings in Michigan in 2015, that I discovered just how many of my friends I'd lost contact with. During my first two signings, one in Spring Arbor, the other in Parma, I was awed by the friends and family who quite unexpectedly walked through the library doors. Some of the long-lost family and friends I recognizedsome I didn't40 long years can change the appearance of a lot of us, especially when our fading memories of them were of more youthful times.

The whole experience was truly amazing and brought tears to my eyes quite often. It was during those shocking moments that I became aware of God's power to lead us down unexplained paths to return us to our roots.

This experience has been so unbelievably overwhelming that I'm wiping tears from my eyes while I'm typing these words. Thank you, God, and thanks to all my friends and family who've been so supportive of my latest adventure into writing books! You have been such a blessing to my existence! I love you all from the depths of my heart!

Thanks for reading my life's lesson. I'm always interested in your thoughts. Please share by leaving a comment if you wish.  

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