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Read this it's slightly important.
If you are reading this as I'm updating it I forgot to add something to the middle of the chapter as Jewels is leaving to tell Michael, it's not too important but I felt like you all needed to know. I'm Sorry.


I headed to the dinning room, man isn't this going to be fun! Totally not awkward at ALL. I came into the dinning room to see Alyssa, Jewels, and a few others sitting at the table. Well here we go... I sat down in front of Alyssa, she gave me a friendly smile of which I returned. Enoch came in and sat next to me.

"Guys. I have an idea." We all looked at Enoch, "so we were able to bring a dog to life... now what about a human?" My eyes widened.

"Do you think it's possible? What if Miss Peregrine doesn't approve and kicks us out or something?" I asked him.

"I think she'll be too impressed by it to be angered." He said, with a bit too much confidence.

"I don't know guys, doesn't it seem wrong?" Alyssa asked.

"Alyssa" Enoch looked at her, "it will be fine, it just means one more pair of arms to do chores." Alyssa laughed lightly.

"Okay, I'll do it." Enoch nodded and we all ate our sandwiches quickly. We finished and practically ran to mine and Enoch's room. Alyssa pulled out her pencil and note book. Her forehead scrunched up a bit, thinking about what to draw most likely.

She smiled and began drawing a kid, it was a tall lanky boy with slightly pale skin, brown eyes, and slightly long hair.

She smiled and began drawing a kid, it was a tall lanky boy with slightly pale skin, brown eyes, and slightly long hair

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She drew him wearing a black shirt, blue jeans, (sorry can't really see it in the photo) and tennis shoes. After she drew a human heart she stared at him for a moment.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I wanna add something special, something... peculiar. When I say go I want you to pull him out, okay?" I nodded. She closed her eyes and the boy moved on the paper, he would disappear into the shadows of the picture then reappear elsewhere on it. A shadow walker. "Grab him now" she told me. I pulled out his lifeless body then the heart. Enoch quickly lifted his shirt to find a zipper on his chest, he unzipped him just like Origami and stick the heart in him.

We waited.

And waited.

And waited.

A minute passed.

Then five.

Then ten.

Still nothing.

We waited more, getting inpatient.

And more.

And more.

"Well, looks like it didn't work." We all lowered our heads in sadness, then Alyssa screamed.
We all looked up quickly to find the boy reaching at her with a confused look.

"I'm sorry." His mouth moved out of sync with his voice, "I didn't mean to scare you, I was trying to cheer you up." I'm not going to lie, watching this thing move was terrifying.

"Oh my gosh it worked!" Yelled Enoch, jumping into the air. "What should we name him?"

"Can you call me Lane?" The boy asked, we all stepped back bewildered. "What? Didn't expect I'd say that?" We all shook our heads.

"O-ok... Lane." Stuttered Jewels. Lane smiled and his body became a silhouette of himself, then melted into the shadows. He reformed next to the door on the opposite side of the room.

"Wow you won't believe how fun that is, now how are you going to tell your ymbryne (sorry for spelling it wrong all this time) about me?" Lane asked.

"How does he know?" I looked at Alyssa then at Enoch, who shrugged.

"I think it's because I drew and thought of him as a peculiar, so I guess he was just born or should I say made with the knowledge."

"Ok I think we should go tell Miss Peregrine." Enoch suggested.

We all agreed and headed to Miss Peregrine's office. We all stopped and stared at the door.

"Well who's going to knock?" Jewels asked we looked around at each other, waiting for someone to volunteer, "or better question who's going to tell her?"

"I'll knock." Lane said, "but I think it's best someone else explains, I just might give her a heart attack."

"I guess I'll tell her." I said. "But first let me thi-" Lane knocked on the door.

"Good luck man." He gave me a thumbs up,

Miss P opened the door, her eyes widened when she saw Lane.

"Oh I don't think I was expecting a new peculiar to come to my house." She said suspicious about Lane.

"No you were not Madam." She looked at me slightly puzzled, "we made him."

Miss Peregrine's eyes widened. "Yo-you made a P-person?"

"Yes ma'am and Alyssa made him peculiar too. He's a shadow walker."

Lane immediately demonstrated his ability, turning into a silhouette, melting into the shadows, then reappearing somewhere else. Miss Peregrine's mouth looked like it might fall off.

"He's incredible!" She cheered. "What's his name?"

"You can call me Lane." He held out a hand and Miss P took it.

"Okay now where are we going to keep Lane?"

"He can lay on the floor in our during the night when his heart shuts off." Enoch said.

"Ok that sounds fine, now why don't you all show him around a bit, introduce him to everyone."

We nodded and lead him to the front of the house.

A/n ugh another late chapter. I feel terrible about it, I hope I can make it up to you all. Well thanks for reading, I hope you all like it so far!

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