Chapter 1

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As the moon had risen three warriors gathered in the dawn of the night. "Hello, Brother its been along time" the first warrior said. "Well you did try to kill me Matthew." the second warrior acknowledged. "Can you guys not fight for five minutes, im the only one of us who is sane aint I ?" the third warrior said. they all fall silent after that then both brothers laughed at the thought of their little sister the youngest of them all being the sane one. "Ha, Amy if your the sane one were both Monkeys" "Thats about right Dorian." the siblings relized their quarrels with eachother wasnt the reason they were all here in this clearing in the woods. "Wait, why are we all here at the same time at the same place?" Matthew asked "I dont know why you guys are here but I was told to come to this spot by a letter I got by the mail ." Dorian said. "So was I" Both Amy and Matthew said. as they stand in silence they remeber the hatred they had from each other." DORIAN IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE YOUR PULLING YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!" "What, no why would you think its me I just got outta jail." "then who sent this letter?"moments of silence went by then a new figure emerges from the darkness "Well you see..that person would be me." the stranger said "Who are you?" Matthew Asked "My name is Chase and I am your father." "WHAT!" all three siblings exlaimed" theres no way...our father died three years after our birth!"

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