Chapter 2: A slightly drunken meeting

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Varied POV'S:

Michael and Ryan walked down the street. They didn't really have anything to do, so they were just aimlessly wandering around in Austin, one of the only cities with people. "So... anything new with you?" Michael asked Ryan. The older man shrugged.

"Not really. Nearly murdered some bozo yesterday, but that's not new."

The redhead nodded. "Same here," he muttered as they approached a bar. "Wanna get some bevs?" Ryan glanced at the pub, then shrugged.

"Whatever, sure," he replied as they walked in. Inside was packed. Regulars and Mutated were everywhere, though the Regulars kept well away from their odd cousins. Michael and Ryan both ordered drinks and settled down at the bar to drink.

"Who the fuck are you?" a man's voice asked. It was heavily slurred, as if the speaker was extremely intoxicated. The two glanced over to see a man about Ryan's age, with brown hair and tattoos up and down his arms. His dark brown eyes were slightly glazed over.

"Um..." Michael said, glancing at Ryan. He shrugged.

"Do you need help?" Ryan asked the drunk man.

"Nah, man," the other guy mumbled. "I got Gavvy Wavvy." He seemed barely able to keep balanced.

"Oh, shit, Geoff!" cried an accented voice. The two Mutants turned to see the owner of the voice. He was taller than both of them, with dirty blond hair and green eyes. But the one thing Michael couldn't get over was his nose. It was huge (that's what she said, wait what?! No bad Epic).

He glanced over his shoulder as he ran up to the drunk man. "He's over here!" he called, then turned back to put his friend's arm around the back of his neck.

"Sorry if he bothered you two lads," the man apologized, smiling weakly at them.

"It's fine," Ryan said before Michael could say anything.

"I'm Ryan. This is Michael, my friend." The redhead glared at Ryan as the Brit spoke.

"I'm Gavin, and this drunk is Geoff," he said brightly. Two other Regulars approached them. One was thin with slightly dark skin and glasses. The other had a dark beard and was pretty buff. "These are my other friends, Jack and Ray," Gavin said.

"I take it you're Gavvy Wavvy?" Michael asked. The taller man rolled his eyes, the slight venom in Michael's tone completely skipped over.

"Who're these bitches?" Jack asked.

"Micool and Ryan," Gavin replied. Michael snickered at how Gavin botched up his name, and Ryan elbowed him.

Something made a ding sound, and Gavin pulled out his phone from his pocket. He read over whatever was on there, then paled. "Bollocks," he cursed. "We gotta go. See you around?" Michael crossed his arms and rolled his eyes when Ryan nodded. "Bye!" Gavin called as they left.

Something about Gavin made Michael feel weird, and he didn't like it. At all.

A/N: You done did good epic.
#Ichi-San approves!

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