What He Thinks About You

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Sam: I love her, she's so cool! She's just like me, she loves skateboarding and playing sports, she's cool, sweet, popular and hot!

Jake: She makes me a better person, she gets along with everyone and she's fine with throwing a football around with the guys, even if she chips a nail or ruins her dress. She's so beautiful and I want to make her feel loved every day.

Felix: She has an amazing voice! We have so much in common, we are both witches and loners. I don't want her hurt by anything, anyone or any demon. I love her and never want to see her cry.

Andy: She's super smart, she's smarter than me! She's so happy all the time, and not to mention adorable. She's a huge dork but that's what I love most about her.

Oscar: She is super popular and with the 'in crowd'. She protects me from all the bullies but she's secretly a nerd. She loves superheroes, cosplay, anime, video games, computer programming and more, and she excels at all of them! She's so cute and I love her to bits.

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