He Finds Out You Cut

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Sam: You were asleep and your sleeve pushed up. He looked down at you and noticed fresh scars, he woke you up and immediately pulled you into a hug. "I love you, please don't cut again." He says and you nod.

Jake: You were walking around your house with no sleeves on, you heard a knock on the door. You answer it and Jake looks at your arms in shock. You mentally cursed yourself for not wearing sleeves to answer your door. "Why did you do this?" He asks looking upset. "I'm worthless, ugly, alone, fat, stupid and I deserve to die." You cried. "Your not worthless, I would do anything for you, your beautiful, your not alone you have me, your family and the boys, your not fat your skinny and gorgeous, your the smartest person I know and you certainly do not deserve to die. I love you so much, I don't want to see you hurt." He said, you promised to never cut again.

Felix: You were having a tickle war and he touch one of your fresh scars. He pulls up your sleeve and sees your scars, he starts crying as he pulls up his sleeve to reveal his scars. He hugged you, you both sat there crying into each other and promised each other to not cut.

Andy: He knew from the beginning that you cut but didn't say anything about it. You finally told him you cut, but he said he already knew and he made you promise to not cut again.

Oscar: Felix told him you cut, during school he pulled you aside and asked why you did it. You said it was because you were being bullied and you started to cut. He got mad because you told Felix firsr and not him, but he quickly got over it and you promised him that when you felt like cutting you would go to him instead.

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