Chapter 7: Fear Of Falling

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A/N: Dedication: @ZDsmiles

Louis was casually sitting in the coffee shop, watching Zayn texting someone by the register, his guess was Harry considering Zayn was smiling like a love sick puppy. He felt his phone vibrate for about the 50th time that day, and he checked it yet again.

2:45pm: Leeyum

why wont u answer? :( pls tlk to me…

Another text from Liam, Liam had sent him about 200 texts for the past 3 days, and Louis hadn’t replied to any of them.


He snapped his head up, only to be looking directly in Zayn’s eyes, a questioning look on his face. Zayn took a seat in front of Louis. “Your phone has been going off for quite a while, and you’re not even answering whatever texts you’re getting, everything alright?”

Louis coughed and cleared his throat, “Yeah, of course, it’s just twitter.” He hoped that was enough to convince Zayn that everything was fine, and that he didn’t need to bother Louis about it.

Zayn frowned, “You don’t have a twitter,”

Yeah, Louis was never really good at covering things up.

“Listen, Louis, I have a feeling that these ‘tweets’ are probably texts from Liam,”

Louis scoffed, “Well you better tell your ‘feeling’ to shut the fuck up, because they’re just tweets.”

“Again, you don’t even have a twitter.”

“Well, maybe I made one a couple of days ago, did you ever think of that possibility?” He stood up, already feeling frustrated and upset, “Stay the fuck out of my business, Malik. I can handle shit myself.”

Zayn could only groan in defeat, no one was as stubborn as Louis, absolutely no one, “Alright, alright, you win, Louis, I’ll leave it alone.”

Louis grinned and sat back down, already feeling relief from Zayn dropping the subject, “That sounds more like it; now get me another coffee, yeah? I’m having trouble staying awake in this abandoned shop, fuck; don’t you lads ever have any costumers?”

“Obviously not considering Niall literally sleeps through his shift every day, but I’m not complaining, I can do whatever the fuck I want all day.”

Just as Louis was about to respond, Liam walked into the shop, and Zayn grinned and stood up and took off his apron, “Speaking of doing whatever I want, Li here is gonna take my shift, have fun, Lou boo.”

Louis watched as Zayn walked up to Liam and greeted him, handing over the apron, and quickly walking out the door right after, leaving Louis and Liam alone in the shop. He inwardly groaned, why couldn’t Niall be a good employee and stay awake?

Liam walked over to him while putting on his apron, a frown on his face, “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Why hello to you too, Liam,”

Liam sighed and sat in front of Louis, taking Zayn’s spot, “Don’t sass me now, Lou, of all times, not now. I’ve sent you over 200 texts, why the fuck are you ignoring me?”

Louis rubbed his face, already feeling a now growing headache coming, “It was a one-time thing, Liam, that ‘incident’ in the closet isn’t supposed to happen between us ever again, haven’t you heard of the term ‘one night stand’? Now leave me the fuck alone.”

“I don’t believe you for one second, Lou, even if I’ve only known you for about a week and a half, I know you’re better than that,” Liam stared at him, feeling his eyes water, and he stayed quiet for a bit to compose himself, “I know there’s a reason you don’t want to be with me, and I wanna know why, can’t you just give me that? Just… please? Tell me…”

“I can’t,” Louis stood up and hastily made his way toward the door, he turned around and made sure to speak loud enough for Liam to hear him. “I just can’t, now do us both a favor and stay out of my life.”

He made his way back toward his flat, locked his door, and sat in his living room, eating ice cream. He forced himself not to cry, there wasn’t a reason to, he stopped crying over boys years ago. They were all the same (A/N: Omfg I’m making Louis sound like a teenage girl I’m dying), they all treated him the same, so why should he give anyone else a chance?

About 30 minutes later, a knock at his door interrupted his ice cream eating time. He got up, and walked toward his door, leaning against it, already knowing it was Zayn, “I thought I told you to piss off? Did your ‘feeling’ come back, Zaynie?”

“I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about, but it sounds kinky; remind me to ask Zayn about that,”

The husky voice completely took Louis by surprise, he got off the door and opened it, revealing none other than Harry, he gulped and moved aside to let him in, closing the door right after.

Harry was the first to speak, “Nice place you’ve got here, kind of dirty, but nice nonetheless,”

“Cut the crap, Styles, why are you in my flat?”

“Talk about Liam, ‘course.”

Louis frowned, “I don’t believe that’s any of your business, now could you please kindly fuck off.”

Harry sat on the couch and sighed, “Listen, Lou, when my best friend calls me for about 3 nights in a row, crying, then it becomes my business,” He composed himself on the couch so he could look directly at Louis, “Now why the fuck are you doing this to Liam?”

He looked down, staring at the floor, feeling guilty that Liam had cried for him 3 nights in a row, “I don’t know, alright? I just don’t want to be with him, simple as that.”

“You’re not getting off that easily, there’s more to this, I know there is.”

“Well what do you want me to say? That I literally don’t trust anyone enough to get into a relationship with? That I feel like every guy out there is set out to hurt me? That I hate feeling like this, but I have no idea how to change it?”

Harry stood up and walked over to him, “I understand that some guys in the past have hurt you, but that doesn’t give you the right to hurt Liam, not when he’s done absolutely nothing to you. Why the fuck would you sleep with him in the first place if you fucking knew nothing would come out of it? Liam isn’t the one for one night stands, if he sleeps with you then you better be damn sure that means he cares about you,” Harry chewed on his lip a bit to help himself calm down, “Liam doesn’t deserve this shit, why can’t you just give him a chance and actually try to be with him? Try to let him make you fall for him?”

Louis bit his lip, already feeling some tears fall down his cheeks, and he cursed himself for letting Harry see him cry, for letting Harry see him this vulnerable, “I don’t have to try, Harry, I’ve already fallen for him, and that scares the living shit out of me…”

A/N: Vote



I luv you <33 xox

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