Chapter 17: Who's That Girl

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  • Dedicated to all of my beautiful readers

A/N: We hit 30k reads! Omg that’s incredible, all of you are so beautiful and I’m so thankful that you guys actually enjoy this crappy story, just really, thank you so friggin much, you’re all so wonderful and perfect.

Sorry for taking so long to update this, I’ve been a bit busy lately, but I’m updating now which is all that matters ^.^

Dedication for this chapter goes to every single one of my lovely readers, you all deserve it x.

Okay, hope you enjoy <3


It had been exactly 2 months of Harry working at the coffee place, and Zayn could honestly say he was on the verge of quitting. Harry being sort of famous meant a lot more customers than usual, and a lot more tasks Zayn had to do.

That he could somewhat deal with, but Harry was also constantly trying to get Zayn’s attention, and Zayn fell for it every single time. Every time Harry called Zayn’s name desperately from the closet, Zayn immediately went to see him, only to see a smiling Harry taking it as ‘Zayn still caring about him’, every time Harry was with a customer and shouted Zayn’s name in distress, Zayn ran over to see if he could help, only to get Harry smiling again and saying ‘hi’. Zayn fell for all of it, and it was aggravating how easy it was for Harry.

Then there were the god damn cupcakes; the cupcakes that ‘randomly appeared’ in front of Zayn whenever he turned his back away for a mere 2 seconds, as if a giggling Harry in the corner wouldn’t give away who the cupcakes were from.

Each one would be the same vanilla flavored cupcakes – Zayn’s favorite – and would have a different colored frosting and different phrases spelled on top of them every day. Sometimes they would be two or three words, like sweethearts, saying things like ‘love you’, or ‘my baby’. Other times, they would say more things that Zayn would lie if he said didn’t hurt him a little.

Things like ‘I messed up, I’m so sorry’, or an example would be today’s cupcake, which said ‘you’re the only one I’ll ever need’ all squished together.

Zayn did the same thing he always did with them, he’d throw them out, but he wasn’t heartless enough to do it while Harry watched, he waited until Harry was busy to throw them away, let Harry’s imagination go wild on what Zayn did with them.

(He used to feed them to Niall, but the raven-haired man genuinely feared his friend would get diabetes or something from how many of them there were.)

A girl walked in, quickly earning Harry’s attention as he ran over to her and hugged her tightly. Now was his chance, Zayn could throw out the cupcake; he turned to the trash can when... wait, what? Harry hugging a girl? He turned back around and dropped the cupcake on the floor at the sight.

Niall emerged from the storage closet and watched – with a defeated frown – as the cupcake plummeted to its doom. “What the hell, mate? He could’ve had a chance; he could’ve been mine.”

“Who the hell is that?” Zayn asked, pointing at the 5’10 – he guessed, she was really freaking tall –brunette who was talking to Harry who had the biggest smile adorned on his face that Zayn has ever seen.

The blond looked over and gasped, turning to look at Zayn with wide eyes.

“What?! Who is she?!” Zayn asked again, frantically.

Niall shook his head and laughed, smiling. “I was joking, no idea, man.”

Zayn glared at him and pinched his arm, and Niall only scoffed, hissing at Zayn and retreating back into the storage closet.

Two Cups Of Coffee, Please {Zarry/Lilo}Where stories live. Discover now