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[Cellphone ringing]

I race back to my bedroom in search of my cellphone.

I'm so freaking late.

I spot my phone laying on the floor slightly beneath my bed. Graving it, I tap the answer button almost as soon as it's in my hand.

"Nate, I'm so sorry. I'm on my way." I bolt back to the door.

"Relax, Rose." He laughs. "Take your time. I'm barely getting my suit case."

Nate asked me to pick him up from the airport last night, and I completely forgot to set an alarm to wake my lazy ass up. Honestly if it weren't for Nate's constant updates this morning I would have completely forgotten.

I relax a little taking in the California weather. I love mornings here, it's different from Nevada. I don't think anyone really gets used to the heat over there. I decided that California is where I want to be. I was born here, after so many years, it's nice to be back. It's been almost three months now and I can honestly say, things are going great. Ever since graduating high school together my best friend Nate and I have been saving up to find ourselves somewhere nice to live. Living with our parents was nice, but finally now on our second year of college, we've decided to find a place where we can live together. I've been living in the house we bought as he's away in New York with his dance team for yet another dance competition. I'm not sure what it's gonna be like living together, interesting for sure. Everyone we know is already talking, specially our parents. Apparently we're together. Together together, hooking up. Both which are not true, nor will ever be. I love Nate, to the core, but like a brother. He's family to me.

I'll admit there's a little bit of history between us but that's all from when we'd started out our friendship. We had gotten along so well that we owed it to ourselves to try and see if we could be more. As it turns out, being friends is perfect enough for us.

Arriving at the airport I find myself a parking spot then make my way into the airport in search for Nate.

"Rose!" Nate calls making his way over. Crashing into each other he picks me up in a tight embrace.

"I've never been more excited to be back. We have a freaking a house!" He's all sorts of excited. It makes me all the more excited.

On our way out, I talk about my experience moving into the house, then Nate comments that he really needs to pee reminding me of my need to go as well. It's practically the first thing I do getting up in the morning. I walk with him in search of the Men and Woman signs.

Nate finishing before me texts letting me know he'll be at the Starbucks near the exit.
In no hurry, I take my time in the restroom, even fix my hair a bit before exiting. I look a mess. I'm so thankful I don't have work today.

Stepping out, I notice a group of people, girls, crowded together not so far off. They're surrounding someone, or something. Curios, I look over at the group as I'm walking by, and just as I'm about to get a slight peek at what's surrounded, my phone buzzes in my jacket pocket. I pull my phone out and unlock it to check the new message.

"Still on for tonight?" My friend Hana's message read.

Typing down my excitement about us getting together to celebrate Nate's homecoming...

I'm suddenly body slamming with someone out of nowhere.

My butt hits the floor first (my eyes shut taking in the sudden pain) before falling back completely. The person who'd crashed into me is right on top of me, his chin had bopped with the top of my head, (probably hurts me less than it hurt him). His neck presses to my face, causing my lips to press to his skin, practically kissing him. I turn my head to my right, slipping my lips away from his skin.

We both groan in pain for a minute, before laughing it off.

"I'm so sorry." There's an accent in his voice.

Feeling his chest vibrate with laughter, I take in his weight on me this time. God, he weighs a ton.

I start to have a little trouble breathing with the way he lays on top off me. And to make things truly awkward, I can literally feel his crotch over mine.

"I can't breathe." I manage to say, closing my eyes again, chuckling.

This is so uncomfortable!

He quickly pulls himself up onto his arms groaning again, allowing me to breath. I let out a long breath...
I hear him laugh above me.

His laugh sounds almost familiar, adorable.

"I'm so sorry." He said again.

Opening my eyes, I notice a tattoo on his left arm. Where have I seen that before?...

I dare to look up at him hovering over me. My eyes meet with a pair of beautiful blue eyes, looking down at me.

A smile appears on his face.

"Hi." He whispered.

I stare up at him..What are the odds?...Out all people, Jay. Jay McGuiness.

"Are you hurt?" He asks.

I shake my head. "Nothing I can't handle."

I smile looking down from his eyes and attempt to pull myself up on my forearms. I wince in pain. My ass really hurts like a bitch.

Glancing back as I sit up, our faces only seemed closer. I freeze almost afraid to make any more sudden movements. My eyes don't know where to look. His eyes...His lips.
He, like me, doesn't move.

His eyes look to my lips.

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