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I have a sudden urge to kiss him. I want to kiss him so bad. But my heads yelling at me to get the hell up.

"I—Um..." [Clears throat] "Mind helping me up?" I purse my lips.

Jay chuckles a smile, "Sure."

Pulling himself up, he then reaches for my hands to pull me up towards him.

"Sorry, for the fall." He apologized for a third time.

"Don't worry about it." I chuckle, "Part my fault. Should've been looking." I reply. "And I mean, it's not like you purposely smashed into me, right?" I rambled kneeling down to take the few things that managed to escape my bag at the fall. My body aches a little. I feel like I'll definitely be feeling every bone in my body tomorrow morning. I hope it's not so bad though.

"What if I had meant it?" He spoke. I glance up to meet his eyes, and grin.

He steps a little closer and kneels down next to me. "What then?"

Is he teasing?...Flirting?

I stare back at him for what feels like minutes but might have only been seconds.

With a small laugh, "I would have probably cursed you out." I tell him.

He laughs out loud.

"I'm just kidding." I smile.

"So, I'm forgiven?" Jay's suddenly beating me to the last of my things. "I did almost suffocate you having all my weight on you just now."

"Well, like I said, it's part my fault." I mirror his smile as he gives me my phone, red lipstick, and keys.

Returning the favor I help him pick up the things he'd dropped himself. I reach for some envelopes and...A stuffed animal? A frog. I giggle quietly to myself picking it up.

I glance at Jay. Not a lot of guys have the guts to walk around with a huge stuffed animal. Unless that stuffed animal is a gift for someone else, if not just given. It must have been a gift from a fan, though I think there's a chance he might have bought it himself. Either way, I think it's really cute that he's actually carrying it around.

"Cute." I comment handing it over to him. He shrugs, then laughs.

Looking at the last of what I assume is fan mail in Jay's hand, I can't help wondering if maybe it was a band member of his being surrounded back there. I decide not to mention it.

"You must have been in a hurry." I comment. Not to sound obvious but, he was clearly running before bumping into me. It's strange that he's still here in front of me. Not just because meeting like this is unexpected but, I would think he has somewhere to be. Is he maybe just making sure I'm okay before rushing off?

He grins looking back at me, "Not so much anymore."

"Why are you smiling?" I dumbly ask.

"I don't know."

[Jay Chuckles] I smile.

"Why are you smiling?" He returns the question.

I laugh, "Really?"


Is this flirting? Are we flirting right now? We probably look like idiots. And seriously with people passing by how is it that no one bothered to help us out?

[Phone vibrates]

I quickly reach for my phone in bag now. The vibrating always kinda startles me. I hate it.

Glancing down at the screen, I find Nate's name. Shit!

I look up at Jay, "Excuse me." He nods.

Taping the answer button, I put my phone to my ear turning my back on Jay slightly.

"Hey." I almost whispered.

"Rose, everything okay? Why are you whispering?"

"Oh, of course, sorry." I say. "Um. Had a little accident. I'm on my way."

I don't know if I'm gonna tell him about what just happened.

"Accident? I'm on my way."

"No, Nate, I'm okay. I'm on my way back."

I hang up first.
I set my phone into my bag...

"Nate?" I hear Jay say.

I turn around to face him, his eyes are on me.

"Your, boyfriend?" He asked.

I chuckle. "He acts like that sometimes." I mean to joke.

Looking past Jay, there's a group. A group of girls slowly approaching. Their attention is on us. One girl smiles as I notice them, while the others only seem to be leering at me. I turn to Jay. His eyes look from the girls back at me in wonder. He's about to say something, but seems to decide to hold it back.

"So...'' I try to speak instead, "Sorry, again." I'm almost rushing now keeping in mind that Nate is waiting and will surely come in search of me if I don't show up within the next few seconds, and those girls not far off are probably just waiting for me to buzz off. "I, um...It was nice bumping into you." I say. "Literally."

He chuckles.

"May-Maybe we bump again some other time." He stuttered.

I say something like, "Uh..yea." Before some of the girls approach Jay and suddenly I'm just on the side like a total loser.

I wasn't sure how to say goodbye, so I guess this is it. I highly doubt that I'll see him again. He travels. I'm sure by tomorrow he'll be somewhere else. He's not the kind of person you just bump into now and then. Although it would be nice.

He stares back at I watch him with his fans, probably not really knowing what to say, or do.

I give him a smile that says, "It's okay," and wave goodbye.

Walking away, I turn back to see him one last time. I like the way he is with his fans. He's greeting the girls while taking a picture with one. It must be exciting, for people to know your name, know who you are. Though personally, I wouldn't want that kind of life. Being the center of attention constantly is just not my thing. I think my birthday is the only time where I actually enjoy it.

I chuckle a smile turning to face forward again only to freak a little spotting another group of girls walking past me clearly judging me as well. They must have had some time looking in my direction. I can only assume some of these girls are the kind of fans that get a little protective over the artist they like. But seriously, I was just talking to the guy. These girls are just about mentally yelling at me to back off. If this is the reaction I'd get just talking to him, I think I'll gladly back off.

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