Why did you this?

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We can't let her break Liam We have to tell him before it's too late...

''I know we will go after school'' Mia said

***after school***

''Hurry guys'' I said running to Mia's car. ''We don't know where they are so how will we get there'' Beth said ''don't worry Harry told me where they are going to be'' I said ''Where'' Sierra said '' They are at the studio recording some vocals'' I said ''Okay hurry Mia drive quickly we have to get there before that cheater gets their and puts her dirty lips on his face'' Sierra said 

*** at the studio***

''We're here hurry run'' Beth said running towards the door. Right when we entered we saw Sophia kissing Liam. ''Oh god we are late'' Mia said ''Crap'' said Sierra. I stood there broken and weak and ran out slamming the door shut.

Harry's Prov

Right when I came out I heard a loud slam. ''What was that'' I said walking to the girls. ''Harp'' Sierra said ''What happen to her did you guys fight'' I said ''No she been like that since she came to school'' Mia said ''I'll go check'' I said walking out of the studio.

Harp's Prov

I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall and started to cry. ''Harp'' I heard someone say walking into the bathroom. I tried to stop crying but I couldn't help it. '' Harp where are you stop crying open the door. I couldn't help I needed a shoulder to cry so I opened the stall and ran into Harry's arm crying. ''What's wrong love'' Harry said ''Its nothing to worry about'' I said ''Are you sure'' Harry said ''Yes Harry'' I said ''If anything is wrong just tell me I'll always be by your side'' Harry said. I smiled and gave him a hug and we both walked out of the stall.

***Next Morning***

I woke up took a bath and ran downstairs to eat breakfast '' Hey sleepyhead'' Harry said smiling cheekily. '' Hey Harold'' I said smiling and eating my cheese bread. ''I gotta to get to school now by Harry'' I said grabbing my bag and heading out.

*** At school***

''Hi Harp'' Beth said ''Hi" I said ''Be right back guys'' I said ''Let me put these books in my locker'' I said ''Kay'' Sierra said. Right when I walked to my locker I saw Liam with Sophia ''Nothing will EVER come between us'' I heard Liam say. I stood there Heartbroken weak and dead at the same time. I quickly put my books in my locker and started to walk to Mia guys. I felt tears at the brim of my eye but I tried my best to not cry. ''Back'' I said trying to sound like nothing even happened. That's when the bell rang

***After school***

''Hey guys lets go'' I said. Right when I got home I ran inside and went straight to the bathroom ''Hey Kiddo'' Harry said ''Hey'' I said . I locked the door and started to cry my eyes out I then grabbed a razor. Right when I was gonna make my first cut my phone rang I picked it up it was Mia. ''Hello'' I said '' Hey Harp we are coming over a party that Harry invited us to see you in 5 minutes'' Mia said ''Kay bye'' I said cutting on phone and made two cuts on left and two on my right right when I was gonna cut my stomach I heard Mia's voice. ''Harp open the door what are you doing there the party started'' she said. ''Nothing just washing my hands'' I said getting a cloth and tieing my cuts with it. I opened the door and saw Mia, Sierra and Beth all dressed up and ready ''Harp your not even dressed up we will help you come on'' Sierra said. They pulled me to my room and started looking for my dress, ''Wear this dress'' Mia said holding up a neon green dress with silver sequins. I'll go change I said running to the bathroom. I quickly slipped it on and ran out '' TA DA'' I said walking in front to show them all my dress. ''Whats that Harp'' Beth said pointing to my cuts. '' N-Nothing'' i said ''Are you cutting'' Mia said taking of the cloth ''I couldn't stand it'' I said ''Its Kay but don't do it ever again'' Mia said. ''Kay'' I said ''Now to the makeup'' Sierra said. They quickly did my makeup and hair and we headed downstairs. When I got down Harry looked at me with eyes wide open ''You look Beautiful Harp'' Harry said ''Thanks'' I said. ''Lets go dance'' Mia said. ''Okay'' I said while we were dancing I saw Liam kissing Sophia. I completely froze. I dropped my cup of punch and went crying to the bathroom ''Harp where are you going'' Mia said but I just ran and locked the door. I took out the razor and started to cut . I cut 6 more times on my left and right arm and then 3 on my stomach. ''Harp don't be crazy open the door'' They screamed ''No why should I'' I said '' Hurry we need to tell and the buys before its too late'' Beth said as they all ran downstairs.

Mia's prov

"'Harry'' I said ''Yes'' He said ''Harp is cutting'' I said ''WHAT SINCE WHEN'' Harry yelled '' Today'' I said. ''LADS HURRY COME HERE'' he said running upstairs. ''HARP WHAT ARE DOING STOP CUTTING'' Harry yelled ''Whats the point'' Harp said. '' Harry I think we should break open the door'' Niall said '' Yeah'' Harry said

Harry's Prov

I breaked open the door and saw Harp on the ground with cuts all over her body. '' Harp Harp'' I yelled but she said nothing we gotta take her to the hospital.

Harps prov

I woke up in a big bright room. ''Where am I'' i said '' your at the hospital your brother brought you here'' said the nurse ''Can I see him'' I said ''Sure'' she said walking out the room. Right when I closed my eyes Harry went bursting in the room. ''Harp are you okay'' Harry said. ''Yeah I am okay'' I said hugging him ''Why did you do this'' Harry said. ''Sophia'' I said ''What, what did she do'' Liam said. ''I know you wont believe me but  Sophia is cheating on you Liam'' I said. ''No she cant do that'' Liam said ''Umm.. Liam she really did this is the proof'' Beth said showing the picture of Sophia kissing the other guy. Liam was so shocked. ''But why did you cut'' Liam said ''Because... I love you I said looking down.He looked at me ''I love you too'' Liam said. I looked up at him and saw him smiling

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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