Cant stay awake.

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After dinner Michaels brothers and sisters sleeping again he watches the video once more and rushed off to bed. The dream went a little like this. (He wakes up, and looks around. His mother calls to him saying breakfast is ready. He zips down the stairs to her. She hands him a plate of stake and eggs toast on the side with a glass of orange juice with pulp he eats it up fast.) He says thank you for breakfast mom she said no problem Mike. He heads outside and his friends are there to go on a quad ride. He said first we have to pick up Emily.  His friend Dan said really Mike you don't have to bring her everywhere. After a few minutes of arguing they decide yes they will pick her up. (It was then his alarm clock rings) he can't feel like getting up he's to tired but he can barley manage. He finds it harder to stay awake as the day went on. He gets home and the cycle repeats for a few days.

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