Chapter One

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~after reading do say if you liked it or not, so I know if I should continue :) ~

Mason Jones. Yup, that's my name, yet my crew always calls me MJ. But for all the fine ladies on campus today, y'all can call me anytime. Casual wink, you know the ways of a playboy.

"Massyyy!!" What's that shrill sound? A mosquito? "Mason-baby!! Its meee!"

I should really invest in bug repellent. That sound is getting louder and more persistent. Looking around, blatantly ignoring the buzzing, I look around for my well known friends, Oliver and Erick.

It takes a few seconds of looking around before I see Oliver with his arm slung over a dirty-blonde's shoulder. Who unmistakably must be Felicity Smoake. Damn, she's hot, she has those curves in all the right places, especially her ass. It's so big and easy to lose track of thought in.

Smirking, and strolling over, I almost make it and --

"MASON JONES!" That happens.... and pretty nerve wrecking since I'm pretty sure that's the same mosquito from earlier... Bipolar much?

Pivoting on the heels of my feet as everyone is now staring at me and what ever this mosquito thinks she's doing. Yes, I know she has a name but it's so unoriginal. Courtney. Eye-roll.

The smirk and earlier mood derailed, I glare at her until she looks like she's going to piss herself scared. "What do you want?" I barked out. Yeah, I know I'm mean, I'm so heartless as to yell at a girl. Whatever.

"I-uh, I-You jerk! You left me to wake up alone!" She screeched.

Smirking, I step up closer to her, lean in so she can hear what I'm about to say, "so you admit you wanted me to stay the night? Like every other whore...." Standing back up and my full height, a whole six feet. Yup, the height every girl wants their men to be, because tall guys must have huuuge sl--

"I am NOT one of your whores, Mason Jones!" She squealed, as I was turning to walk away.

"Okay, whatever Mosquito." I waved her off, like a pest. "Then don't come crawling back like one every weekend."

Actually back on my normal path to my crew, they're all talking like nothing happened, which in the whole scheme of things, nothing did happen. Just another upset groupie of mine.

Clapping Oliver on the back, I casually ask, "Did you two smash yet?" Smirking as Felicity pales and sputters like I asked her to sleep with me, the hottest guy in the group. Not to brag but I am. "So, that's a yes?" Smirking still, lifting a brow at Ollie.

"N-No!" Squeaks Felicity. It's her calling to do so. Ollie winks.

Giving him a bro-hug, I laugh, "Finally, the tension you two cause is unbearable." Clapping him on the back once more before the warning bell rang, signalling the start of hell. "Aight, see y'all later." I walk a few yards away before yelling, "Don't forget protection, Love birds!" Trying to make Felicity freak out. She's always been quiet.


Start of class is always my favourite. I get to be as annoying as possible and it's so fun pissing off the nerds with wads of paper.

Speaking of, I crumple up a ball of paper, aim at the bin all the way on Mr. Birch's desk, perfect flick of the wrist and--

Then it go smacked and flew all the way and hit a girl in the head. "AND NO GOOD!!" Yelled someone who always gets on my nerves. Erick. My step-brother. Looking back at him then to the pretty black-haired girl. Come to think of it I've never seen her before. Fresh meat?

Looking back to Erick, glaring still because he fucked up my perfect shot. "What the fuck dude." I lean back in my chair and put my feet on my desk, "I was about to make that shot."

"No you were--" and the paper ball that he had slapped hit him square in the face. Getting me to bust out laughing at his constipated-frustration look.

"D-dude you look c-constipated!"

Now since he was glaring at me, I sobered up. He's got a lot of blackmail on me, don't want him to use anything in a rash decision. "You were saying?"

"Who threw that at me!?" Erick yelled, quieting the room. But before anyone could stand up and confess, Mr. Birch walked in.

"What are you crying about now Mr. Jones?" Birch-Man complained.

Now here's a funny thing about Erick. He hates being called out on his outburst by teachers, and his mother. "Nothing Mr. Bitch...BIRCH, I mean." He stuttered, grabbing the back of his neck in an awkward way. That dumbass.

Snickering at his discomfort, he glares at me. What I can't help it?

"Detention Mr. Jones! Get out of my class now." Mr. Birch furiously points at the door, meaning to get out. Damn..this is the third time this week that Erick got kicked out of this class and it's only a Tuesday.

Then when once Erick left, class got on with since I decide to nap, late nights were going to be the death of me, even if I enjoy them.


Feeling someone nudge my shoulder, I shoed them off like a fly. "Leave me alone." I groan. But whoever it is nudges me again. And again. And again. This is highly aggravating.

"Stop touching me whore! Fuck. I'm awake now!" I roar, aiming to scare off who ever it was. Even though my head was still laying on the desk. All I got was a snicker.

"Okay." Said a quiet voice. Feminine. Then quiet foot steps receded to what I figured was the door.

Slowly looking up, I missed the chance at seeing who the bitch who woke me up was. But all I saw was a grouchy Mr. Birch. Looking ready to scold me for my "inappropriate language."

"Mr. Jones. I already have detention to your brother-"

"Step-brother." I bark.

Sighing he continued, "Step-brother. I already sent him to detention, must I send you too?"

Groaning I put my head in my hands as my elbows rest on the desk-top, mumbling I reply, "No. I'd rather go home and sleep than stay in this hell-hole for an extra hour." I grumble grabbing my things getting ready to ditch the rest of the day because who wants to go to school anyway.

"Mr. Jones." He warns, "I expect you to say sorry to Miss Smiths before you decide to take off today. She doesn't have the reputation of a corner girl as you so rudely suggested earlier."

"What the fuck is a corner girl, old man." I grumble as I walk out the door. Ignoring all of what he really meant, because my bed is calling for me.

Hey y'all! So I'm just testing this one out. I'm not going to post pics of people for characters because well, when you read an actual book, you don't know what they really look like and yeah, but please comment a thumbs up or down on if I should keep going and it will get more raunchy as it goes on so if you don't like it because of that then I'll suggest you to one of the many I follow that write cleanly. Because I'm not so modest, but yeah thumbs up or down :)

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