New Year with the Seacats

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"<Haaaaaappppyy New Year's!>"

The Golden Witch announced her presence with this, causing Battler to sigh, "It's only eleven. You've already had quite a bit to drink, haven't you?" Beato flung herself forward to latch onto Battler's arm. "Come on, you can't expect me to not drink here!" Battler began to reply, but he was cut off by the shouts of the Seven Sisters of Purgatory. When he looked over, he saw Mammon about to put food in her mouth, and then jerk it to the side when Beelzebub tried to get it from her. Mammon seemed to be having a lot of fun; Beelzebub wasn't amused. Lucifer stepped between them, "Cut it out, you two! Can't you have a bit of pride and respect around Lord BATTLER and his wife?"

Battler waved his hand dismissively, saying, "There's no need to be formal. Besides, the wife herself has already lost her dignity for the night." Beato giggled, talking about something else she knew the two of them could lose that night, and Battler, trying to talk over her, asked "Aren't we missing a few people? I know that we got some declines for the party, but I don't think there was this few attending." A swarm of golden butterflies appeared, and Will, Lion, and Dlanor stepped out of them.

"Are we late? Will was grooming Diana." "Don't push all the blame on me!" Battler laughed, assuring them that no, they weren't late. "It has been a while, Lord BATTLER. Have you been ALRIGHT?" Dlanor, her armor off, appeared to be trying to not laugh at Beato, who was still draped around Battler. "Yeah, I've been great! How goes things at the Great Court?" "Very well, thank YOU. Spending time with you all is always the most FUN. It's nice to get away from paperwork for a BIT." While Battler and Dlanor talked, Lion dragged Will over to the Seven Sisters, as he wasn't able to talk with them much in their last meeting.

"Lion, it's great to see you again!" "Waah, I wanted to be the first to greet them!" "Nobody said anything to Willard yet." "Will, how's Diana been doing?" "Not fair, Belphegor!" "Mammon, give me that back!" "You'll have to get it from me!" They sure were a crowd, and it entertained Lion quite a bit. After their chatter died down, Will asked, "Do any of you have the time? We couldn't check before we left." "11:35!" Battler answered as he, Beatrice, and Dlanor made their way over. Dlanor went straight for the sweets, and was immediately met by Mammon and Beelzebub. Everyone began to mingle, Dlanor discussing with the two sisters about which sweet was better, the cake or brownies. Lion was talking with the other Stakes, and everyone was having fun. Battler glanced at his watch and then announced the countdown. Beato waved her pipe and the golden butterflies formed a large clock. The Seven Sisters started counting from ten when the time came.

"Six, five, four, three, two, one! Happy New Year's!!"

Beato kissed Battler, Mammon jokingly pecked Beelzebub on the cheek to make up for taking her food, and... Lion stood on his tiptoes and kissed Will on the cheek, which brought a lot of stammering and blushing out of him. Dlanor, Beatrice, and Battler laughed at the pair, never having seen the great Wizard-hunting Wright so flustered.

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