Who was that mommy? OH NO NOT HIM NOT AGAIN

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Demi's POV

I heard some one say "hey,did you miss me?" Then I looked up and I saw............. Bentlii's dad and I immediately slammed the door and I knew I had to find a way out of that situation for my little one ' think Demi think think think' then it hit me I knew what I had to do I had to grab my things and my baby (good thing we didn't pack a lot) and climb down the escape ladder it was dangerous but it was our only way out the only problem is Bentlii is afraid of heights and she was already petrified knowing who was out side our door so I had a lot on...well in my hands. On my way out the window I was about to grab Bentlii but she wasn't there I looked by the door and I saw her opening the door I hurried as quick as I could but before I could she said "look momma he's gone" it was a relief but also suspicious and I didn't know if that creep was waiting outside of the door so I checked and saw no one we were okay but I kept alarmed.

Bentlii's POV

I heard a familiar voice when mommy opened the door it was m....m....m....my rea....l d....d....daddy. I was so scared I couldn't move momma slammed the door in his face and she was talking to her self saying "fink fink fink" and then she seemed to get an idea because she grabbed me and all of our things and went for the window she sat me down a minute so she could get situated outside so no one got hurt and I was scared but I knew for me and mommy sake I had to go check and see if he was still there but when I opened the door he was gone poof like that, it's my fault momma is scared of him anyway BC he wants me and he will do anything to get his nasty hands on me, maybe next time I'll just go to him so he will leave my mommy alone I couldn't tel mommy what I was gonna do she would try and stop me and she always does when she "tries"🤦🏽‍♀️.

Demi's POV

As we were leaving the hotel room I could see Bentlii thinking hard and she seemed distressed so I asked "what's wrong baby girl" she replied with "nothing just a little scared that's all" I believed her of course and told her "everything is okay momma has got you baby" and we moved on with our day. I was on stage practicing while Bentlii was watching in the front row... well technically it's a front seat just for her so no one can take or hurt her it's far from the other lovely fans just in case her dad shows up and if he tries anything he will be seen caught and probably murdered by me(shh don't tell anyone) after I was done rehearsing me and Bentlii went to our dressing room and got touch ups and our outfits on she was wearing a pink ballet outfit of her choice some pink ballet slippers and a hot pink bow in her half up half down hair.

Bentlii's POV

Mommy looks sooo pretty I wish I was that pretty. I walked up to MY momma and told her how beautiful she looked she said "awe thank you babby girl you look way better than me" I told her otherwise she said "oh no baby girl come here" so I walked up to her and she said " You are absolutely gorgeous and beautiful and PERFECT no one and I mean NO ONE can tell you other wise you got it? Now never think you're not okay you better get that sass level up I know you have one" I laughed while she tickled me. But can you believe she's mine I know it's been this way for a while but geez just look at her beauty. After she was done tickling me she noticed my lipgloss I put on she said "what's on your face honey?" I took what she said into considering what ever that word is and said "uh beauty duh!" She laughed and said "yea that's right that's what I'm talkin about confidence is key" she wiped off my lip gloss and said "you DO NOT need this lipgloss to make you feel butiful" I knew that duh Lii lii (New nickname) we walked out to the audience hand in hand and we sang let it go like we always do BC it's a mommy baby thing nothing the magificent duo can't handle. After let it go mommy sat me in my special chair and I watched her preform it was incredible as always but towards the end maxie walked on stage and ran to me and grabbed me and momma and I headed of  because Max saw people who looked suspicious so we had to leave a LITTLE early. I don't get it🤷🏽‍♀️.

Demi's POV

Max had ran on stage and grabbed lii lii and whispered "we've got company and they are pointing at Ben(Max's nickname for Bentlii) I didn't tell max about earlier but I knew I had to now after I told him he was shocked and worried at the same time shocked because I didn't tell him sooner and worried well because someone wanted my baby and that's not happening, over my dead body. We went back to our hotel room to pack to move to a different room because they knew where we were staying. Bentlii had no idea why we left early and I hope it stays that way. After that it was time to eat dinner and got to bed.

AN: Sorry I have been VERY bad with updating I run out of ideas fast and sometimes it takes longer for me to get ideas leave some ideas if you'd like I may use them in my next chapter Thank You all for the votes and reads xoxo💋-A

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