All's well....

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Hi my name is Duke, I am a 49 year old golden retriever, in human years I would be 7. My humans are Don and Karen they got me when I was just a little pup but, now they have a little pup of their own. I meet Miya on probably the coldest day during the cold months when Don and Karen brought her home. I had no idea what she was until I saw her little face. She was a tiny little human no bigger then Dons oval ball with the white laces.  I wagged my tail thrilled with my new friend but when I sniffed her face to say “hi” she was frightened and let out a high pitched howl! I backed up a bit to try and see what I did to cause such a reaction. Don grabbed me by my color and led me out into her car's room to get me away from Miya.

    Miya is now 35 or to you 5. I still try very hard everyday to make Miya  like me but everytime I go near her she just howls,  All i want is to say “hi.” I spend my days with her mother Karen gardening and cooking, I mainly just eat what she drops but that's helping right? I mean she doesn't have to pick it up now. The only time I don't spend time with Karen  is when Miya needs her and that is happening a lot more then usual  because now Miya is starting to garden and help cook with Karen and I must sit alone and wait. When Don is home I like to go out into her car's room and help her with her tree sticks. She loves tree sticks just as much as I do! Although she builds things with her’s and I chase and chew mine.

    Today Miya gos away for the day, and that is sad. Her mother walks her out to the end of the driveway and they wait. Then a long car at least 40”’ long pulls up there were so many windows you couldn't even count. Karen leaned down and gave Miya a tap on the forehead with her bold mouth and said something to her. Miya smiled and jumped up the steps of the long car she was so excited when she got on but, when we saw her face though one of the many windows she looked sad. Karen yelled something to her and Miya started to cry, this was my chance I ran toward the car to save Miya!  The car hissed and started to drive off I ran faster but the  car was to fast.

“Duke!,”  I hear Karen yelling for me to come bake, “-um -er boy!” I stop in my tracks and watch the car speed away. “-um -er -oy!,” I turn baked and slowly drag myself home when I reach the end of the driveway  I stop and sit facing the road. “Duke! -um -er;” Karen wanted me to come inside but I could not move from this spot until Miya is back.


Karen finally gave up on making me come inside a while ago. I'm so worried about miya and my bum is sore from the concrete. I stretched out my front legs and laid down on the ground keeping my head up to so I can keep a lookout. As I scan my surroundings for signs of the car that tuke Miya I spot a familiar face. Its Max my best friend the brown lab three doors down.  As much as I love my buddy though I really need to stay focused and Max could distract me. Luckily Max is busy already prepping his gift from the...mailman.  You see we don't hate the…mailman. He is just not trustworthy and definitely not welcome on our property but, today I will be thankful for the mailman he has given my friend a perfect excuse not to come bug me. As I lay in the driveway I start to feel sleepy so I take one more good look around and then lay my head in between my two front legs  and gently shut my eyes.

All of the sudden I hear it. Hisssss the the long car is back! I stand up and jump for joy I wag my tail as I wait patiently whimpering to myself trying not to pee. It feels like the closer it gets the slower it goes. I feel the excitement boiling up but, Miya is scared of my barking if I bark now I sat here all day for nothing. Skreeeeech hisssss  the engine purrs as the long car stops in front of me. The door swings open and there is Miya standing in the doorway with a look of terror on her face. I stop wagging my tail and lay down again facing her and crawl with my hands and legs with my belly rubbing on the ground. She steps out of the car and the doors shut with a loud WAP! making her jump a little. I watch the car drive off and muffle a slight woof out of my jaws.

“He he,” I hear Miya giggle and I look up at her then back down towards the car.


“Hahaha,” she Blurts out.  I stand up and brush my nose against her small hand. She jerks it away. And she howls again! No! Don't cry tiny human I was just saying hi. I lie back down and put my head in between my leg in shame, I failed. Right after I came to my conclusion of failure I felt a soft pat on my head, and then a rub. I look up to Myia standing in front of me looking right into my eyes.  “Hi puppy.”

{I hope you all enjoyed my first published price! If you did please vote and follow(lol I sound super pushy but oh well) there is more to come and not just sore happy story's...I have a dark side to hehe hope you enjoyed!}

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