Tight Spot

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Wattpad Anniversary Short Story

I have been on Wattpad for 1 year on the 25th February 2012

So to celebrate I will upload this short story on that day!

Tight Spot

It had been a year.

A whole year.


Yes, this time last year everything had changed. 

TIGHT was released to an eagerly waiting market of soft, overweight and lazy people.  It promised the perfect body with no strain.  Men would have washboard abs, bulging biceps and enhancement in all the right places.  Women could expect toned bodies with taut never aging skin. 

We would be perfect.  So perfect that it would cure all obesity related disease and make us all brilliant in bed. 

Tight in that shirt, Tight in those Pants, Tight in Bed - Get into a Tight Spot with TIGHT

The slogan was everywhere.  There was so much hype.  Even those who were already fit clambered to take the new wonder drug.  No one wanted to be left out.  No one wanted to be less than perfect.  They all wanted to be tight.

The queues for it started a week before release day.  Everyone’s biggest fear was that supplies would run out of it before they got theirs.  You see, the drug was free thanks to the government subsidies.  There was no reason not to take it. 

So the world became Tight.  The effects were amazing.  The doubters were silenced as rippling muscle became the norm.  Success stories were everywhere.  The men bragged and the women preened.  Soon those who hung back were standing in the queue. 

Everything was good.  Everyone was a winner.  Everyone was tight.

The world was a perfect place.

But of course it didn’t last for long.

If it was Tight they wanted - it was tight they got - too tight.

They weren’t really zombies, they just looked like them with their stiff bodies and aversion to light.  I can't say how many were infected but the world pretty much went to hell.  Those of us who were ‘loose’ became the survivors.  We lived day-by-day never going out a night and in constant fear of the Tight. 

But that was all going to change. 

After a year of searching I had finally found it - the Holy Grail that I had been searching for.  This was going to save us all.

I was going to save us from this Tight Spot.

 Release date 25th February!

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