"The Meeting"

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Himawari pov

"*yawns*what a nice day!i wonder if boruto-niisan is already awake?"then himawari goes to boruto's room..
"Hey boruto-niisan!rise and shine!wake up!its already 6:00 and we have to go to sarada-neesan's house at 8:00!WAKE UP!"himawari yelled.."*yawns*ok,ok..im waking up..geez your so noisy in the morning.."boruto complains."well sorry if im so noisy in the morning!just shut up and get up!geez"..

Well,im going to aunt ino's after i visit sarada-neesan and im only visiting for a little bit of time..and also i heard theyre going on a date after lunch and going to a party tonight and they are gonna be a little early cuz you know...and they are going to be going home late so i have plenty of time on my hands!

After showering and dressing their selves up

"Boruto-niisan!lets go!we dont wanna be late!"himawari called."ok im coming!"boruto replies.."himawari!can you go to your otou-san's office and deliver his lunch?he forgot it"hinata requested.."ok mom!bye mom!himawari got out of the house with boruto."bye mom!"boruto also said to his mom.."bye you two!be careful!"hinata replies..

At sarada's house

"Sarada-neesan!im sorry but i have to go to tou-san's office..i have to deliver his lunch to him..".."well,thats ok and you can come back if you want..since its still pretty early"..."sorry sarada-neesan,but after i go to tou-san's office,ill head to aunt ino's..so im sorry but if i have free time i promise i will hang out with you.."well,is it about inojin?"himawari blushed 10 shades of red when sarada said that.."WHAT!"boruto yelled.."your going to inojin's and your gonna date him?!"boruto freaked out."NO!im only going to buy some flowers for uncle neji's grave!geez.."himawari said still blushing.."woah that freaked me out!i thought you were dating inojin..if i found out that inojin asks you out im going to kick his ass!no,im gonna freaking kill him for dating my sister!"boruto then got into sarada's house.."well good bye you two!and also say hi for me to uncle sasuke and aunt sakura!"then himawari walked out and got to naruto's office

At naruto's office

"Himawari!what brings you here my little sunflower?"naruto greeted his daughter.."well im here to deliver your lunch cuz mom said that you forgot it this morning mom""well thank you himawari!and are you going somewhere because i heard that there's a party at konohamaru's house..are you going to the party?"then himawari's phone ring and there's a message from inojin and it says:

From inojin:
Hey himawari-chan are you going to the party?

To inojin:
No im not why?

From inojin:
Well can you come over to my house?well,its my mom's birthday and dad isnt here and she wanted to invite you..oh and also shikadai and chouchou is coming too..and uncle shikamaru,aunt temari,aunt karui and uncle chouji..also aunt hinata..i already asked her a while ago and she said yes cuz she has nothing to do so do you wanna come?

To inojin:
Ok!since im heading to your house too cuz im gonna buy some flowers for uncle neji!

From inojin:
its settled then!its at 6:30 here at our house so you still have plenty of time to go somewhere or train...

To inojin:
Ok!thanks inojin-niisan!

"Who were you texting himawari?"naruto asked.."well its aunt ino,she wanted me to come to her birthday!"himawari half lied.."oh ok..then you better go now and good bye!".."oh kaa-san is coming too""what!i didnt know.."well she only got the message awhile ago and i think she already sent it to you cuz i kinda heard your phone ringing so bye tou-san!""bye himawari and becareful!"naruto said to his daughter..

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