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I walk out in to the main room and sit next to Josh as he watches TV on the couch.

"So, I've been thinking." I say. He grabs the remote and pauses the show.

"About what?" He asks, shifting to face me.

"I want to go get my stuff now. Will you come with me?" I ask.

"Really?" He says, almost shocked at my words.

I nod. "I need to get out of there for good."

"Well then, let's go!" Josh jumps off the couch and runs to the door.

He is way too excited.

We exit his apartment and make our way to the elevator.

To say that I am terrified is a huge understatement. I would say it is the biggest decision I have ever made, actually.

I grab the knob on my apartment door and take a deep breath. "Just-" I sigh and look up at Josh. "Just please don't say anything. I don't want to give Mark a reason to be mad at you. Your face is too nice to be messed up."

"Don't worry, Annabelle, nothing is going to happen."

I turn the knob and allow the door to swing open.

Here goes nothing.

I immediately hear Cassie and Mark. They are laughing so hard the whole building can probably hear them. I walk inside and see them sitting very close to each other on the couch. They are playing some sort of video game practically intertwined.

"Don't mind me." I say as I walk past them to get to my room. "I'm just here to get my things. I won't bother you two love birds." I say sarcastically.

The video game noises stop and mark stands up. "Can we talk about this Anna?" He asks, stepping close to me.

I feel as if I am pulled back towards him. As if fate means for us to be together. What we had was truly amazing while it lasted.

Mark grabs my arms and pulls me in to him, pressing his body against mine.

I miss the feeling of his warmth around me.

"Let's just have a nice conversation about this."

"No!" Josh interjects. "She is not going to talk about it. Especially not with you because you are a dick. We are just here to get her things."

As soon as Josh touches my back, I am knocked out of a trance-like state.

I nod. "Just here to get my stuff."

"Who is this Anna?" Mark asks, pointing to Josh. "You can't talk for yourself anymore? You need someone to come in here and protect you? Anna, it's me, babe. You don't need someone to protect you from me." Mark's tone seems sincere as he speaks.

"The large welt you left on her cheek says otherwise." Josh retorts.

I feel as if I am being pulled back and forth by them. As if each of them has a hold on my arm and is yanking me in their directing. If they keep going, I am going to be split in half between them.

"You talk a big game buddy." Mark says, getting in Josh's face. "It's too bad you are like, a foot shorter than me."

I step between the two of them. "Mark stop. I'm just here to get my things. I just brought him to help me carry stuff." I explain. I just want this to be over. I want to move on.

Mark glares at me as I grab Josh's arm and pull him towards my room.

Josh pulls me in to him and smiles. He grabs my face and smashes his lips in to mine. Fireworks explode around us and the world fades away.

Mark yanks on my arm, pulling me from Josh's embrace.

"Josh!" I shout, caught off guard by Mark.

"Let her go!" Josh holds up a fist.

"She's mine!" Mark growls as he lifts me off the ground and over his shoulder. "And if I can't have her, no one can!" Mark continues to lift me, higher and higher.

"Mark please!" I scream. "Cassandra! Do something!" I claw at Mark's head.

Cassie sits on the couch laughing at my situation.

They really make a good pair don't they?

I fear for my life as Mark holds me above his head. If he drops me, I could hit my head on the table by his feet. This is a bad situation. I should have never done this.

Mark bends his knees and tosses me towards Josh.

I scream as I collide in to Josh, his head hitting the counter.

I press myself up on to my hands and shake dust off of me. Josh lays on the floor beneath me.

"Josh?" I ask, tapping his shoulder. "Josh let's get out of here." I shake him. "Josh?!" I ask, more urgent as he fails to respond to me.

"Josh please. Wake up. We have to get out of here!" I plead with him, continuing to shake him.

I slam my hand on his chest and feel around for a heartbeat. "Josh please. Josh. You have to wake up. Please."

I grab his wrist and hold my fingers on the bottom.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"Josh." I sigh as I fail to find a heartbeat or any sign of life.

"Josh I'm sorry." I lean my forehead on his. "This is all my fault." My tears fall on to his cheeks  "I'm so sorry."

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