18~ Casualty.

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Damn it! Damn it all to hell! And I literally mean it! Zamian had now finally started to bug me, and I know it was unevitable. I have to pay a visit to him, sooner or later.

And of course, where does a dark angel have his office? In one of the crevices of Hell, of course. God, I hate that place. Heaven is a smidge better, but I would never ever admit that, 'cos it will make Castiel and my bitch of a sister gloat.

I mean, Heaven- the place where I spent most of my childhood- was okay, but it seems too... fluffy to me. Hell is more hardcore. But along with that, it's a fucking terrifying place.

Despite my putting off, I still couldn't avoid this visit. So, I did what I had to do. Prepared for the trip to Hell down under.


"Derek! Woo, lookey, Mike, it's the lil' angel!" One of the red-skinned guards at Hell's gate saw me, and then the jokes started. I wanted to lash out at them all, but I always held my tongue. I didn't want to start an unnecessary scuffle. I already had too much on my plate.

And besides, I was the Zamian's protege, so no one messed with me. Much.

"I need to use the back alleyway," I said what I always say. After a lot more laughing and poking fun at my heritage, they let me pass.

"Fucking idiots," I snorted once I was out of earshot, had crossed the gate was at the safe distance. I took in all the horrifying scenes around me -the scalding flames lapping at the narrow stone pathway, the echoes of anguished shrieks of tortured souls, and of course, the rotten smell of burning souls.

I smirked. This place is starting to grow on me.

I walked through the now familiar pathways, twisting and turning. Finally, I reached the familiar cave-like structure, and creeped inside.

I walked down the dimly lit corridor, holding my breath 'cos of the rotten stench of tortured souls.

I finally reached Zamian's office, and was about to knock on the door when a hiss interrupted me.

"Wait for him to call you in," the bitchy, ugly receptionist snarled, and I nodded with an eyeroll.

"Whatever," I shrugged, and plopped down in one of the chairs, looking out the darkened window.

"Send him in!" I heard Zamian's booming voice from the other side, and without waiting for the bitch's confirmation, I strode inside.

"Hello there Derek!" Zamian swivelled around in his chair, and stood up, greeting me. Oh, yes. He even had a desk. A whole proper office, like he was an important shit or something. Alright, he was. But still. It's not like what he did was a repectable job, like the Reaper's is.

"'Sup," I nodded.

"Well, how is your collecting, going, hmm?" Zamian asked cheerfully, patiently tapping his slender, spindle-like fingers on the polished table.

"Um," I scratched the back of my head. "You see..."

"This doesn't sound good," Zamian cut in.

"No, no! I just need to misguide the ghost! He hasn't made a conncection with the human yet! I still have a chance! I just have-"

"You still haven't misguided the ghost?" Zamian asked calmly, but it was just as threatening.

"N-no. I mean he's already misguided! He doesn't know where he had to go, the angels think that the human is his only chance to cross over. And I'm preventing him from bonding with the human-"

"And you're still preventing the ghost from bonding with the human... still. You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Zamian tsked, interlocking his fingers, his coal black eyes probing mine.

I swallowed. "N-no. I'm just-"

"LIKE HELL YOU ARE!" Zamian bellowed, his black wings shooting out from his back with a powerful gust of wind, casting his body in an eerie, menacing shadow.

"Derek. Listen to me and listen close. I still have faith in you. I gave you a chance. I gave you another chance when you came crawling to me, after your father had shunned you. You of all people know that I just don't give away second chance. Especially to people like you," Zamian sneered.

"You're having too much fun up there, and have forgotten what I actually send you there for!"

"No! I-I'm just making sure-"

"Oh, really? Then why don't I have a detached soul on my desk right now?" Zamian asked rhetorically. I felt my throat dry up.

"I'll get you the soul soon," I said quietly, not wanting to anger him much. 'Cos he's a scary motherfucker when he's angry.

"Of course you will," Zamian smirked, his tone sickly sweet. "And I don't really care if you get me the soul of the ghost or the human. Actually both will be good."


"I'm giving you four more days. If I don't have a soul by the end of four days... do you know what will happen then, Derek?"

I gulped. "N-no?"

Zamian leaned forward, his wings rising even higher. He locked his eyes with mine, then smirked. "I'll sent you back where I sent you before, when you had failed me," Zamian stated, and I felt my blood run cold.

Zamian pulled back, satisfied with my reaction. "Looks like you now have the idea of the consequences. Good, good. Be off now. I'm done with you," Zamian dismissed me, and I turned on my heel, booking it out of his office.

I ran straight out of the cavern, and didn't stop 'til I was far, far away. I leaned against a wall, closing my eyes.

Okay. Now I have to do this. I have to get Niall or Zayn's soul in four days, or I'll be a dead angel.

Like Zamian said, he doesn't care, he just wants a detached soul. So that's what I'll get him.

Two souls.

I made Niall think that I wanted his soul, and honestly, I only wanted his. But now, why should I let Zayn's soul become a casualty? Why not kill two birds with one stone?


Ayeeee don't kill meh! I apologize for the shortness, but the next chapter will be twice as long! And again, don't kill me for no Ziall action in this chappie. :P But this was chapter was important for understanding the reasons behind Justin/Derek's actions! 


~bemycupcake xx

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