38~ Fatefully.

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July 2012.

After what seemed like hours sitting in front of Zayn's house, I gathered my scattered thoughts, pulling myself up with shaky legs. I was still having a hard time wrapping my head around this.

My.. back to life situation. This was too extreme, too retarded. But everything points to what seems impossible.

Do the angels have a role in this? How did this even happen? Who brought me back? Why did they bring me back?

"C'mon Molly, where are you when I actually need answers," I grumbled as I decided to go to school. Maybe that would help me get more answers and clear my head. Or maybe make it worse. But I didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse right now, having a different school from Zayn.

I trudged back to my house, and turned towards the garage, unlocking my Chevy truck and settling inside. Instantly, the familiar smell of leather hit me, and my eyes teared up. "Missed you baby," I laughed, patting the steering wheel.

"Isn't that sweet?" I heard the familiar voice behind me and I jumped.

"Molly! God!" I blew up. "Can you please explain to me what the fuck is going on because I sure as hell don't understand," I breathed out, willing myself to calm down.

Molly sighed minutely as her smile faded. "That's why I'm here Niall. And yes, you're human now. Just like before. The souls have been returned to their original timelines, but," Molly met my eyes sympathetically. "I know why you're not happy. I'm sorry Niall."

"This is it then?" I seethed. "Okay fine, O fucking wanted this. Wanted my life back, wanted to be human again. But that was before I fucking met Zayn damn it!" I said in frustration, banging my fist on the dashboard. I blinked back my tears.

"He has no idea who I am. And I still remember what it felt like to kiss him. How is this fair?" I said, my voice barely above a hoarse whisper.

Molly placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Niall. These memories will-- wait. What did you say? Did you talk to Zayn? Please tell me you didn't do that Niall?!"

"I did. Why?"

Molly closed her eyes. "Niall. Listen to me. You are now back in your original timeline, in which you and Zayn never crossed paths. And you are not supposed to, at least not yet. But-"

"So what? I just forget Zayn? Just like that?" I spat in disbelief. Molly stared outside and didn't reply. She spoke after a few seconds.

"In 2012, you and Zayn are living ddifferent lives. You paths have not crossed... yet. But believe me Niall. They will. It's been written. Fate has made it so. And Fate has plans for you two. And so I advise you to not interfere with Fate's strategy. Just wait and see."

I stayed silent, taking Molly's words in. "So Zayn and I we actually supposed to meet after I died? Was that my unfinished business?"

"Yes, you were wrongly reaped. You were supposed to meet Zayn in your lifetime. But some souls don't get to meet their other halves," Molly said calmly.

It took me a minute to register her words, and then I choked in shock. "Zayn is my soulmate?"

Molly trilled a laugh. "How could you have not realised that Niall? Only soulmate's love is powerful enough to challenge an angel's powers. And only soulmate's love finds it's way even through the most difficult situations."

My heart hurt even more at this revelation. "But- then, Zayn doesn't even remember anything! How long will I have to wait for him to remember?"

Molly sighed. "I'm sorry Niall but he won't remember. Ever. You have to start from scratch. And please. Trust me. Do not go after Zayn. It will make it worse. Just let it happen. Maybe in a week, maybe in years, but you and Zayn will have a connection again. That much I can assure you," she said softly, and her words comforted me.

The Ghost Counselor [Ziall] [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now