Like The First Snow...

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Play song Italics=Thoughts Italics + Bold=Flashbacks

I Stand under the sky...The cold night nipping at my skin...I stand looking into the distance in the night the sky illuminated by stars...

Can Please ease my mind...only once...The cold Sky even it's colder than winter..And I'm under that sky...Heh It feels like it can even it can freeze my tears...

"Come On" I yelled "Nope"I header his voice reply i looked around at him...Everything seemed to go in slow motion i called his name...countlessly with a smile on my face

If I can see a day or a minute,If I can I'll endure it

"But...Why do you never smile..."i asked looking at the floor..seeing his feet he didn't answer

The Memories with you are like a drawing to me...

"You're not her"He said..."Who's her...Who are you on about"i asked hurt in my voice...he just stood looking at me "You push me away every time we become close...why??"...Why is he cold

You're were always far away from me...

I sit on the grass..."dandelion...My mam said if you pick one and make a wish then blow your wish may come true"i pick it and look at him a small smile comes to my face...the time and day with you why does it hurt me this much...

The day we smile still feels like i'm standing beside you..but i'm not...because i can't..

"It all feels like a dream..."i mutter "The memories we make...forget them"he said looking at me I look up to him..."But...But why....WHY MAKE THEM JUST TO FORGET"i yelled

we used to laugh and cry together

"But what if i am her..."i ask he lifts my chin up..."But you're not"

I'm remembering the memories of you

i stand under the night sky looking out on to the sea...i sigh i feel arms warp around me..."I'm sorry"he whispers

Now i'm saying goodbye to you're your eyes.. to your breath....I'm hugging you for the last time...

I look at him and hug him back under the night sky he looks at me and leans in we kiss

listen to my mind carefully only once...which sounds softly

"please....dont go..."i say the tears cascading down my face..."i'm sorry.."he says sad eyes..."I love you!!!!" i yell at him , he walks to me "i love you so so much never forget that"he kiss's my forehead then my nose he looks into eyes and kisses my lips

"i miss you..."

Thank you for reading it means alot 😁
I hope you like it😊😊
The song is from the K-Drama Goblin
If you like K-Drama's and havent watched it yet i recomend it😄😄
For me its a emotional rollercosetr 😅but it is really good i havent finished watching it yet i'm on episode 8 as i write this
Again thank you for reading this will also be up on a amino i am in

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