Saranghae forever and always Sehun X OC

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No one pov

She was sitting in her room looking out the window thinking while watching the rain drops land and roll down her window thinking of the last time she seen him...who's him you may wonder. . . . . . the boy she loves with all her heart there friendship means the world to her so does he. . . . she would only change one thing and that's to see him again we'll make that two actually the second is to  and go back in time.....she regrets not telling him the words she wants to tell him so bad that if she keeps it in any longer she feels like she's going to explode but she can't tell him . . . she won't be able to she hasn't seen him for so long. . . It started of as days. . . then that turned to weeks. . . .then that turned to months and now it's slowly turned to years. . . she remembers everything about him. His smile his cute eye smile, his face, his lips, his eye colour, his nose shape his hair everything she wonders if he remembers her after 4 years. . . yes 4 years they haven't seen each other for 4 years she wishes she could see him now....

Crystal Pov

You may be wondering who I am,I'm Park Crystal as for the boy....well I'll be suprised if you don't know him. . . His name is Oh Sehun. . . . yes as in the maknae of EXO we are friends. . . well used to be people wouldn't say we are friends now if we haven't talked to each other for 4 years. . . We used to be inseparable but then he became a trainee his time was consumed by that after a while we never spoke I seen his debut in EXO im proud of him but I just wish I told him what I wanted to say for years but I never had the courage to I always just wrote it down in my dairy. . . I wanted to tell him so bad that I love him but I never had the chance to I sighed looking out my window a smile creeping onto my face as I remember him he's most likely forgotten about me plus even if I told him he would never love me back ' I thought I looked at the clock it read 1 : 50 am I got into bed my eyes looked away from the celing and took the photo frame on my bed side table it's a picture of me and Sehun smiling felt tears coming to my eyes I looked away and back to my ceiling as the tears slowly leaked from my eyes and rolling down my face before I fell asleep.

No one's POV

Crystal was sitting in her room when she seen on the TV that exo was having a meet up near her house she sighed and turned it off her mind went to Sehun and there memorise together. . . she sighed and got up ' maybe if I go for a walk to clear my head ' she thought she put her shoes on and walked out her house. ..her feet took her to the park that her and Sehun used to always go to she closed her eyes and started to think of all the memories together The smiles, the laughing, the sadness, the arguments, and the last day they had together before they never spoke. . . Crystal felt tears rolling down her face she sighed and opened her eyes and wiped the tears away.....she heard voices but ignored them till one. . . she recongized that voice she would recongize it anywhere it was his voice...

Sehun POV

I think of her all the time I hope she's happy i feel bad not talking to her...I sighed ....i remeber everything about her..,her smile, her giggle, her eyes, her eye colour everything is clear to me I keep her picture beside my bed of me and her I hope she remembers me but she most likely dosen't sighing I heard Suho yelling " Come on let's go " I got up and walked to the door bumping into Kai " sorry " I mumbled and carried on walking I felt him looking at me, we walked out the dorm I heard kai asking the rest if I was ok they know about her..We arrive at the park I stop and look it's the park me and Crystal always went to a small smile came on to my lips as I remembered the memorise together..."Sehun come on"i heard Lays voice I broke out my trance and looked in front of me and seen the 8 of them standing there smiling and some lauding I smiled remembering something


Standing on the stage holding all the members hands wating "the award goes to....EXO " The mc said the screams of the fans fill our  ears As Suho get the award and cries with the rest of us we "Sehun come on " Tao says putting his arm our between him and Luhan i smile and go to the group hug us all crying "we did it..We did it together "Suho whisper

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