23. The Kind Of Boyfriend

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I think Harry would be one of those boyfriends who would hold your hand to make sure you know he's there for you. He would be the type of boyfriend who would love to braid your hair or paint your nails.

Dating Harry would include deep, serious conversations at 3 in the morning. Him trying to get you to eat the healthy food he likes. Going to the gym together, doing the groceries together.

It would include cuddle sessions on the couch. Lots of forehead kisses. He would always tell you how beautiful you are, even though you don't need him to remind you.

He would be the kind of boyfriend who would love to cook and bake pies with you, because after all he's a 'baker'.

Being in a relationship with Harry would mean visiting his and your family on a monthly base. It would mean singing to old songs together and dancing around the house.

I think Harry would be the kind of boyfriend who would make sweet, slow love to you, tracing all your curves with his index finger while placing soft kisses on your jaw...


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