37. You're One Out Of Thousands

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(Y/C) = Your Country.

The sun shone brightly above you as you made your way toward the small café. Your bag was clutched tightly between your fingers. To say you were nervous was an understatement. But you were feeling excited about this too, making your body feel like it was about to explode. Your stomach was filled with little tingles and your hands were trembling like crazy and to top it all, an enormous grin was firmly plastered onto your face.

Harry had invited you to hang out and of course you didn't decline his offer. You and Harry had accidentally met. It was actually a funny story. You were, and still are, a fan of his band obviously. After work you had gone home, but on the way to your house you saw someone tripping over a tree branch. You had walked over to the person to ask if they were okay. You had to stifle your laughing while you helped the person to stand on his feet again. When you saw that Harry was the clumsy person, you couldn't help yourself and bursted into a fit of laughter. Of course only Harry Styles could trip over a tree branch. Harry was slightly offened by you laughing at him and you quickly apologized, but he soon found out you weren't really sorry as you continued to laugh. You were surprised there weren't any fans surrounding him, but you shrugged it off, enjoying your alone time with your idol and crush. After posing for a couple pictures, Harry had said he needed to leave, but before he actually disappeared out of your life, he asked for your phone number. And that's where everything started.

Entering the café, you checked if Harry was already there. You found him sitting in the back, messing around with his phone while sipping his drink. His eyes quickly found yours and he sent a friendly smile your way.

You motioned to him you were going to order first, before joining him at the table. He nodded. After grabbing your drink, you greeted Harry with a kiss on his cheek before sitting on the stool in front of him. The both of you easily made small talks with one another. It felt like you had known Harry for longer than just 3 weeks.

Naturally there were some akward moments when Harry was telling you something and you'd reply with 'I know', not because he had told you before, but because you were such a big fan. But Harry being the wonderful person he was just laughed it off most of the time.

"So Y/N, ever been to one of our concerts?" He asked, looking you in the eye while taking another sip. You nodded your head.

"I went last year. It was amazing."

"Last year? That must've been in June then. I remember being in (Y/C) during the summer last year." Again, you nodded your head. "I didn't see you there," Harry added, his eyes wide from confusion, like he was trying to solve a big mystery. To you it wasn't a mystery to why he hadn't seen you back then.

"Of course you didn't," you muttered under your breath, immediatly regretting the words as you noticed Harry heard them. His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion and he ran a hand through his hair.

"What do you mean with that?"

"While performing you're looking at a completely filled arena. You see thousands of people, while in a fan's eyes you or Niall or someone else of the boys are the only one they can see."

"That's sad." You could see the relaxing mood was entirely gone after you said that and you felt bad. Harry looked down at the table, fidgeting with his hands.

"It's not sad, it's just how every fan feels like," you said, shrugging your shoulders like it was the most normal thing ever. But it wasn't. To Harry it wasn't. He felt horrible knowing his fans felt that way. He desperately wanted all his fans to be happy, but he knew that was almost impossible. No one is or can always be happy.

"Hey, it's okay." You laid your hand on Harry's bare arm, making him look up to you again.

His green eyes wide and his pink lips slightly parted made him look like a lost puppy. The brown haired man sitting in front of you was so adorable, it broke your heart knowing you had made him sad.

"We met eventually and I'm really glad we did." Your words made him smile lightly. Harry was glad he'd met you too. He knew in the pit of his stomach he would never meet someone like you again. He had never met someone so beautiful before, in and out. You were absolutely gorgeous to him, but that was just a big bonus. You were also so down-to-earth, always smiling and making people happy. Harry admired you for that.

You may be just one out of the thousands of other girls, you were also special in your own way. And Harry couldn't wait to get to know you more.

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