Chapter 15

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Kid's P.O.V

'Was it Christmas time already? How long have I been like this?' I thought as I watched Maka put up decorations and other assortments. She looked at me with a warm smile and laughed, "if you feel like helping Kid you could always put something up-" "if he could." Soul interrupted. Here we go again.

I'm tired of people under and over estimating me, I'll show Soul I can too do things I could normally do! I grabbed an ornament and climbed up the tree, I found a good place to put it and set it there. "Good job Kiddo..!" Maka said with a laugh and then I realized do I get down...?

I let out a small cry of help and Maka seemed to notice. "Here Kid," she held out her arms. "I'll catch you," I took a deep breath and hopped into her arms. We briefly looked at each other before bursting in laughter. Even Soul cracked a smile, which was suprising. But the greatest thing of all was- "Kid! You're laugh, you can tell it was laughter! The spell's slowly beginning to wear off, this is great!" Maka exclaimed.

I smiled, this was great but, how was it wearing off? This was definately something I'd have to investigate. For now though, I'll stay where I am. I'm not going to rush anything, even if I want to be myself again. Just then, I felt a soft hand begin to pet me once again.

Oh how I began to enjoy the moments Maka pet me. How Soul always got so pissed off, leaving Maka and I, while she didn't care. For those moments, I feel like I'm hers..and she's mine. BUT ENOUGH OF THAT, I-IT'S NOT IMPORTANT!

Maka set me down and walked off go get something. "Stay there!" she called back and I sat right in that spot. Once she got back, I saw she had a little Christmas hat in her hands. She came over to me and placed it upon my head. "There," Maka said with a smile, "and it's even symmetrical for you too."

We looked at each other for what seemed like hours, which was only a coulple minutes. She played around with my ears for a bit before smiling softly. "If only..." she started then didn't say anything else. Was it getting hot in here? "Merry Chistmas, Kid," she removed her hand and went upstairs to her room.

I waited a while trying to comprehend what happened before going to bed. "Well well, little reaper. It seems like you're doing rather well." The voice smirked, "but don't worry, that moment of happiness, will soon turn to pure tourture. You will realize how pointless your life will soon be, for you, only belong to me." And with that, the figure hovering above the feline, dissapeared.

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