The Man

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Reba looked around and found some fire wood , Reba looked around to hopefully find something to light the wood with. Reba opened all the drawers in the kitchen and found some matches , once Reba started the fire she rubbed her hands together , and looked around at the dusty furniture.

Reba decided to clean up a little , she took her hand and brushed away some of the dust , once the place looked a little cleaner Reba lay'd down close to the , fire and started to fall asleep. Reba felt so warm and comfortable that she ended up , falling asleep well Reba was , asleep someone walked out from the bedroom near the  living room.

The man walked out of the bedroom and picked up Reba and lay'd her down on the bed in the other room , and ran his finger through her hair. The man got on his knees and started to pray that Reba was alright , he was worried for her health and safety , soon after the man was done praying and an hour went by Reba awakened to be , shocked by what she found.

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