Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I  stared...

And stared...

Who was she??

That was NOT her...

That was someone else...

She would never be like that...

She said she would never be like that...

She's supposed to be the girl with that friendly, caring smile...

The girl who just entered those doors weren't her...

She's not the Francheska Jane the school knows...

She's not the girl who's going to lend a hand whenever someone's in need...

She's cold, unfeeling, and numb...

Who is she...?? Will our Francheska Jane ever return??


It's been days since Goode High witnessed her change.

It was the start of another monday, students crowding the corridors, or rummaging in their lockers, when suddenly the double doors of the school opened with a BANG! Every head turned, no sound was made. Everyone stared at the girl in between the other two girls she was walking with.

She's Francheska Jane Guiverra.

Or that's who she looks like, actually...

Got confused?

Well, actually, so is the whole school.

She was walking with great confidence she could've won Miss Universe for all she cares.

She was wearing a blue and violet tank top under a black blazer. Then a black waist high skirt and a pair of black knee high boots. Her hair is down and free. On her head sat a black headband. She's wearing light makeup, so light you'd think there's nothing.

She looks like Francheska alright.

But then...

"Hey, Guiverra. You're looking hot today." Drake Roberts, captain of the volleyball team, said with his cocky grin. "Wanna go to some place private to bang?" he asked her.

She gave him an angry glare and smiled sweetly. "No, thanks, Roberts. From what I remember, that thing you call your 'big fat cock' barely passes for a shrimp, if not, my pinky. So get the hell out of my way." she replied.

The whole student body was so quiet you would've heard a pin drop.

Hell, who is that girl?? Francheska never swears. Much less using words like cock...

But Roberts didn't move.

"You watch it, Guiverra, or I'll--" Roberts started to say.

"Or you'll what? Didn't I just say that your dick barely passes for a shrimp or my pinky? So how would I even see it?" she stopped him and everyone laughed. It's not everyday you see the school bully being humiliated.

Roberts was starting to turn red with rage. Then he gave her the finger while saying, "This isn't over, Guiverra." then he walked away.

Then Francheska just continued walking to her locker with her two friends, Maysilee and Alyssa, as though she didn't just humiliate the school football captain, and bully about his cock.

Who was she really? She wasn't like this last week...

Oh I forgot, didn't I?

Where the hell is my manners??

Obviously my manners are nowhere to be found since I've been swearing and saying inappropriate words since this started but let me introduce myself.

Hey, I'm Josh Wade Efron, by the way. 17 years old. I'm just another student here in Goode. I've been here since freshmen year. And this year, I'm a senior.

I've got brown hair, brown eyes. And swimming, painting, cooking, and baking are my hobbies.

I'm also curious about what happened to Francheska.

Well, it was so sudden.

Last week she was herself. With her friendly beautiful smile, her beautiful personality, her beautiful... everything. To me, she's the most perfect person in the world.

Hey, hey, after what I said and all let me clear this up. I am not in love with her. I care for her. That's all. I want to know why she's changed. No more. No less. So stop your yapping!! Haha nah, I'm just kidding with the yapping part.

But seriously, I'm not in love with her. And even if I do, she deserves so much better than me.

But...what did happen to her?? Last time she and Roberts talked they ended up dating. Fortunately, she managed to stay with the jerk for a few weeks.

Then after a few more weeks, I started liking her. Not love, it's just like-like. I thought I should ask her out but before I got the chance, however, she was going out with John Davis.

Then I decided to just watch her from a distance. But I watch her when she's near me or something. I'm not a stalker who'll monitor her every move 24/7.

But after all those 'watching her from a distance' thing, I still don't know why she changed.

What really happened? Will she ever come back? I hope so, or better yet, the whole school hopes so...

But, in the meantime, what about we play 'Private Investigator'?

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