Waking him up

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"Huh? Hello (first name)", Hanji greeted you while you passed by her office. The door was opened wide and inside was a mess you never have seen so far.

"God morning Hanji", you smiled brightly and wanted to go on, but she stopped you.

"Wait a moment!", she ran out of her office and walked towards you.

"Could you do me a favor?", she asked. Something inside you made you suspicious of the way she asked you.

"What favor?", you rose one eyebrow and narrowed your eyes.

"Now...that you are awake-Ah!", you jumped at her sudden cry.

"Why are you awake? It's so early", she wanted to know and looked around the corridor.

"Ah...yeah...I couldn't sleep and decided to have a little walk before training and so on", nervously you scratched the back of your head and stepped from one feet to the other.

"Oh...not again", she sighed and looked pitiful at you.

"It's okay. No need to worry. And now...what favor?", you changed the subject as fast as possible, because you didn't want to discuss it another time.

"Ah yes! I'm a little busy at the moment...so could you please go to the commanders bedroom and...wake him up? Please? Please!", she smiled oh so creepily and pulled your hands between hers.

"Wake...him...up...? I should wake up the commander?", baffled you looked into her eyes and tried to free your hands, but her grip was too strong and a kind of hurtful.

"Exactly! Thank you!", she said grinning and ran away from you.

"Wait! I can't do that!", you whined after her, but she was already away.

I can't do that! It's....embarrassing...he's my superi-

"Take the possibility! You won't be able to see him shirtless and with a bedhead half asleep!", from somewhere you could hear her voice. Irritated you looked around but there wasn't someone.



Urg! I hate you!

Hesitating you stood there and thought for a moment.

Hanji asked me to do that...she is my superior and...shirtless commander handsome...that's the point...what the heck am I thinking?!

A blush crept over your face. You shook your head to shove it off and walked in the direction of the superiors bedrooms.

I should...I really should wake him up?
I can't believe it...I really should wake up the commander...what will he say? I mean...it is a kind of awkward the situation. A cadet is standing in your room and try to wake you up at 4 o'clock in the morning...


You were honestly insecure and a bit nervous about this but it was already to late for it.
And then it hit you like a snowball in winter. You stood infront of his door.
Too late to run away.

Tap tap tap
Your head turned around and you saw that Petra and Aruo were walking towards you.

Suprised Petras eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?", she asked whispering and stopped infront of you.

"Hanji asked me to wake up the commander", you explained.

Her face went pale, nearly terrified. Aruo looked shocked too.

Now absolutely insecure you gulped audible.
"What is with you?", you whispered. Your hands were trembling now. They scared you and you hated it to be scared.

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