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Capgras delusion is a disorder in which a person holds a delusion that a friend, spouse, parent, or other close family member (or pet) has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor.

I have a theory. My mom hasn't been acting the same. She hasn't told me that she loved me in two days. She hasn't made me my favorite meal in forever. I don't think she is my mom.
She looks just like my mom, she talks just like my mom, but she doesn't act like my mom. I don't know if dad had noticed yet, but I definitely have. She has to slip up somehow. When she does, I'm going to be there. I'm going to catch her in the act. When I catch her, I'm going to kill her. I'm going to kill her and find my real mom. She can't pretend like this forever, nobody can.
I walked into my parents room, and shot her. I did it, I really did it. Now, I just have to find my real mom.

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