Saving Marie~Part 2

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I woke to five men, looking at me like I was the pig on Thanksgiving dinner! Soon, I spotted Jason. I ran over him to find that he had a huge black eye, then he looked up at me and hugged me. He was warm and smelled like roses for some weird reason. "Jason. where are we?!" "I don't know, but I do know where the portal door is so we can escape!" "Where!" "Over there, but we have to move at night when they all are sleep." We waited until everyone was asleep, then he woke me up and led me to the door. "Marie, take off your shoes so they won't hear them!" Jason whispered. Then we walked through the door, it was filled with roses this time, so I now knew where Jason got the rose scent from. Then we finally made it to the door, I didn't know where it lead but when he opened the door we were in the janitor's closet. "Why, are we in the-" "SSSHHH! I am trying to hear if anyone is coming!" I stayed quiet for about ten more minutes and then he opened the door.  He jerked back and we knocked back against the brooms and mops. "OUCH!!" I yelled. "Sorry, but something just pushed me I don't know what it was!" "Well, get up and we can go check it out!" So we got up and there it was again but then we fell back against the wall before it could touch us! "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!" I yelled. I am terrified because I didn't know what it was, I want to go home and I still don't know where Emily is!

Jason's POV

Although, I knew what the object was, I was still scared because I have only heard of them in stories but now it's here and it's not good. The only thing that comes to mind with something that goes so fast is an alpha and I am without my pack and Marie couldn't even survive one scratch. "Okay Marie, this thing. .  it's an Alpha! You know what an Alpha is right!" "Y-y-yes! It's not good! I could get knocked out in one push. you. You can resist that!" "I know, I know! But, if we can get out of the school then I can at least get my dad to come and we can figure something out!" I said. Then I turned around and it was standing right there staring at me, like I was the next target. "Marie! RUN!" She ran out the building and then the wolf didn't move, instead it transformed into a human. "Aha! I haven't seen you in years buddy! I am pretty sure you were scared, I could see it in your eyes." "Who are you!" "Zarek, don't you remember me? We use to play out in the woods in our old pack. Until my father left and took me and a few others with him!" I stood there frozen and trying to think, and remember who he was and then I finally remembered. "Oh my god! Now I remember you, and I think Marie is waiting for me outside!" "Oh yeah, well I will see you around then! Bye!" He ran off, but something inside me still felt like he was planning a fight of some sort to get revenge on our pack. I walked outside, and Marie was sitting there in the moonlight looking beautiful like always. 

Marie's POV

There he was finally, I swear I was sitting outside for a good ten minutes! Who knows what happened in there, he looked perfectly fine so i'm guessing it went away or something. "What happened?" "Well come to find out the wolf was my old friend Zarek, he used to be in our pack but then his father and a few others left when we were about nine. I haven't seen him besides tonight!" He exclaimed. "Cool." I kept walking and ignored every little piece he said about when they were little and when he asked me if I heard him I just nodded and kept walking. "And we used to collect pinecones and built little ornaments out of them at christmas time!" He kept on talking and rambling on about the four seasons with Zarek and how every summer when they went hunting they would catch the small animals. "Are you listening?" "Hm! Yeah, I am!" I lied. "No your not! I can tell, although you have been quiet this whole time!" He said. I honestly think he believed me, after he said I have been queit the whole time. 

After fifteen minutes of his blabbering we got to his house at 1:00 in the morning. "Beth! Jack!" He yelled. "Jason, why do you call them by their first name?" "Force of habit." Then he ran upstairs and came back down and then ran down in the basement, outside in their safe place and then came back into the house. "They aren't here!" "Then they are at my house,come on!" "Get on my back it will be faster!" "Just don't lunge forward or else you will shift and I will fly off!" "Whatever! Just come on." Luckily he didn't trip or lunge forward one tiny bit, instead of the long way he took the short cut and suddenly we saw another wolf running along side us on the other side of the tree's. I looked really close and then whispered in his ear. "Zarek, 12:00 o'clock!" Then it was the scariest moment of my life, Jason lunged through the tree's knowing that I was ducking and hit Zarek dead on. Jason quickly ran off, and Zarek was running behind us at full speed. "What the heck was that for, Jason!"I yelled. He simply growled and I knew he was telling me to shut up. 

Jason's POV

I ran as fast as I could, because sooner or later Zarek is going to catch up to me and hit me, and then Marie is going to fly off and possibly get hurt. Luckily we made it to Marie's house in time and the lights were on. I could see Beth, Jack, and Suzie in the window but no sight of Emily. Marie hopped off my back and I followed her into the house as a wolf. "JASON, TURN BACK NOW!" Beth screamed. I was getting mud all over their floor. "Whoops! I forgot, and where is Emily?" "She. . . . is. . . um. . gone." The whole room fell silent and then Marie was the first one to cry. I could understand where she was coming from because, Emily has always been there for her since the accident. "What do you mean she is gone!" Marie yelled. "I mean. . . .she is dead." Suzie chocked out. Marie ran out the house and not five minutes later Emily came down the stairs perfectly fine laughing her butt off. "We got her you guys! Ahaha" "WHAT THE HECK SUZIE!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, I got really mad and flipped the table over and everything shattered to the floor. "JASON!" "No mom! I don't know why you guys would do this to her! Do you know what she has been through, and then you want to tell her that her only cousin that she knows is dead and have her come out laughing!" Everyone looked at me in disbelief and then Marie came back inside and looked at Emily. She walked up to her and punched her in the face, and then Emily fell to the floor with a big thud. "How could you guys do this to me! After all the things I have been through, you decide to pull a prank like this on me! Although it's my birthday it is still not funny Emily is the only one I have trusted for all these years and you guys want to pull a prank on me!" "Marie calm down!" Suzie said.

"NO! Leave me alone and don't talk to me for the rest of the week!" I sat down on the couch, and then finally went upstairs to Marie's room. "Marie?" "Come in Jason." "Are you. . okay?" "What did it look like to you!" She came out of her bathroom, and then layed down in her bed. I sat next to her and talked to her for about an hour and then she fell asleep. I kissed her, and then left with my mom and dad.

Marie's POV

I woke up like any other normal day and then went downstairs. My mom and dad surprisingly came by to wish me happy birthday for the first time in six years. "Oh, look at our little girl all grown up!" I forced a smile upon my face and then looked at Emily's swolen face. I must have hit her pretty hard because she had a black eye. "We heard about the whole thing from last night." Mom said. "Yeah." I mumbled. I got dressed and then walked over to Jason's house again. "Hey, Marie!come here!" Jason yelled from upstairs.I don't know how he knew it was me but he gave me a birthday present. "Do you stalk me when I am in sight or something!?" "No, I just see you when you come up to the front yard!" "Mhhm." I said with a smile.The present is a  necklace with a wolf on it. "Now, this was my mom's but I am giving it to you!" "No! I can't take this!" "My mom said you can have it trust me!" "Fine I will wear it faithfully every day and stop treating my like i'm Bella off of Twilight or something!" "Haha, I will try to lay off on that!" Jason said. 

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