Chapter 4

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Marie's POV

Today was the day of Macey and Vador's wedding and I haven't talked to Jason since the whole walk in with Seth and I last year. I know for a fact that he is going to be at this wedding today and I HAD to talk to him. "Okay sweetheart are you ready?" Beth asked. I nodded yes. The music came on and I was walking down the aisle and I spotted Jason. Except for he was the ring barrier and we made eye contact but he quickly looked away, and I kept looking forward and kept smiling.  Then it was time for Macey to come down the aisle and she looked beautiful and I swear I saw Vador crying but I quickly looked away so I wouldn't start laughing at him. They said their vows and then they kissed and all that other wedding stuff. But then it was time to walk back, and Jason was right behind me! Somehow I had to talk to him, wether I was going to make a scene or not! Once we got into the reception, I went over to Jason. "Hi." I said shyly. He looked up at me and actually said hi back! "Umm, can I talk to you?" "Yeah, because I kind of wanted to get a few things off my chest too." We went outside in the front of the building.

"Okay first of all I just wanted to say i'm really sorry and I miss you like crazy!!" I said. "Me too, and I hate myself for not getting the guts to call you!" Then a drunk guy came walking in, with an 'I love NY' shirt on and some jeans. "What are you looking at!" He asked. "Um, nothing." I answered. He sounded drunk so I was worried about what he was going to do inside. "Let's go in just in case!" I whispered. We walked in and the guy vanished, but then when the music shut off all the attention went to him. I saw Macey's face turn red because I knew she knew who he was. But then what shocked me the most is when he snatched the microphone and started yelling at her and Vador which made me laugh a bit. "I OBJECT! SHE LOVED ME FIRST, I DON'T THINK YOU SHOULD BE MARRIED TO HIM!! I DROVE FIVE HOURS TO THIS WEDDING JUST TO FIND OUT THAT I AM LATE TO OBJECT!!"

Yeah he was definitely drunk! I couldn't hold in my laugh so I was the only one bursting out laughing instead of being silent like everyone else. "FINE, SINCE YOU TWO ARE MARRIED ALREADY I AM GOING TO GO BACK TO THE BAR AND DRINK! AND IN THE MORNING I AM GOING TO HAVE A HANGOVER!! BYE.GOSH. AND I WILL CONFESS!. . . .I'M GAY!!" "Gage! Get out now!! Somebody please, escort him out!" When he finally left she got up to the microphone. "Oh my, I am so sorry everyone!" "Well, that was surprisingly very funny!" I said to Jason. "Yeah, but we still have to talk Missy!!" So we walked back outside and it was very pretty, people were already out there to so we just picked a corner with a bench under the twinkling tree that had lights on it. "Okay, everyday I wanted to call you but I put the phone down because I didn't know what your response was going to be! And trust me i picked up the phone every single day!!" I couldn't take it anymore I had to tell him something. "Okay confession number one!! I cried every single day because I missed you!" He looked at me shocked and then pulled me in for a hug. "I'm sorry!" We said at the same time.

Jason's POV

I had to ask her to dance with me so I could make up from the school dance. "Marie, will you come dance with me?" "I'd be happy to dance with you!" She said jumping up from the bench. A slow song came on and then suddenly it was only me and her on the dance floor and everyone was sitting down watching us. "Well I see you two have made up after a year, of putting down the phone every single day!" Beth said loudly on the microphone. The whole room started to laugh and then Marie looked up at me and her face was beat red. So was mine, then Beth came up and hugged us both which made us come closer together which was very awkward. Then everyone came back on the dance floor and then more slow songs were coming on after that so I had the whole time to dance the night away with the only girl that I think about 24/7!

                                                               THE NEXT DAY

Jason's POV

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